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           f.fillColor =;
           f.fillColor = color.yellow;

In older versions of this specification, this property was named bgColor. The use of bgColor is
now discouraged but for backwards compatibility is still valid.

    Type: Boolean               Fields: All                  Access: R/W

This property controls whether the field is hidden or visible to the user. If the value is false the
field is visible, true the field is invisible. The default value for hidden is false.

       // Set the field to hidden
       var f = this.getField("MyField");
       f.hidden = true;

See also the display property which supersedes this property in later versions.

    Type: String                Fields: Button               Access: R/W

This property defines how a button reacts when a user clicks it. The four highlight modes
supported are none, invert, push and outline.

         • The none highlight does not indicate visually that the button has been clicked.

         • The invert highlight causes the region encompassing the button’s rectangle to invert
         • The push highlight displays the down face for the button (if any) momentarily.

         • The outline highlight causes the border of the rectangle to invert momentarily.

The ‘highlight’ object defines all the characteristics that a button can have. Use it in your
scripts to access the highlight of choice. The following chart shows the highlight object and its
associated keywords:

                                      Type          Keyword

                                      none          highlight.n

                                      invert        highlight.i

                                      push          highlight.p

                                      outline       highlight.o

Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification                                                 41

The following example sets the highlight property of a button to “invert”. // set the highlight mode on button to invert var f = this.getField("MyButton"); f.highlight = highlight.i; lineWidth Type: Integer Fields: All Access: R/W This property specifies the thickness of the border when stroking the perimeter of a field’s rectangle. If the stroke color is transparent, this parameter has no effect except in the case of a beveled border. You can set the lineWidth property in JavaScript by using the integer values below: Line Width Key Value none 0 thin 1 medium 2 thick 3 For example: // Change the border width of the Text Box to medium thickness f.lineWidth = 2 The default value for lineWidth is 1 (thin). Any integer value can be used. However, values beyond 5 may distort the field’s appearance. In older versions of this specification, this property was borderWidth. The use of borderWidth is now discouraged but for backwards compatibility is still valid. multiline Type: Boolean Fields: Text Access: R This read-only property determines how the text is wrapped within the field. Text fields can be single line (clip to field boundaries) or multi-line (wrap to field boundaries). name Type: String Fields: All Access: R Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 42

This property allows you to access the fully qualified field name of the field as a string object. var f = this.getField("MyField"); console.println(; numItems Type: Integer Fields: Combo & Listbox Access: R The number of items in the combo or list box. password Type: Boolean Fields: Text Access: R This property causes the field to display asterisks for the data entered into the field. Upon submission, the actual data entered is sent. Fields that have the password attribute set will not have the data in the field saved when the document is saved to disk. print L Type: Boolean Fields: All Access: R/W This property determines whether a given field prints or not. Set the print property to true to allow the field to appear when the user prints the document, set it to false to prevent printing. This property can be used to hide control buttons and other fields that are not useful on the printed page. var f = this.getField("MyField"); f.print = false; This property has been superseded by the display property and its use is discouraged. readonly Type: Boolean Fields: All Access: R/W This property sets or gets the read-only characteristic of a field. If a field is read-only, the user can see the field but cannot change it. required Type: Boolean Fields: All but Button Access: R/W Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 43

This property sets or gets the required characteristic of a field. If a field is required its value must be non-null when the user clicks a submit button that causes the value of the field to be posted. If the field value is null, the user receives a warning message and the submit does not occur. var f = this.getField("MyField"); f.required = true; strokeColor Type: Array Fields: All Access: R/W This property specifies the stroke color for a field which is used to stroke the field’s rectangle with a line as large as the line width. Values are defined by using transparent, gray, RGB or CMYK color. Refer to the Color Arrays section for information on defining color arrays and how values are used with this property. In older versions of this specification, this property was borderColor. The use of borderColor is now discouraged but for backwards compatibility is still valid. style Type: String Fields: Checkbox, Radio Button Access: R/W This property allows the user to set the style of a check box or a radio button, that is, sets the glyph used to indicate that the check box or radio button has been selected. Valid styles include check, cross, diamond, circle, star, and square. The following defines the style properties and the associated keywords: Style Keyword check cross diamond style.di circle star square style.sq The following example illustrates the use if this property and the style object: var f = this.getField("MyCheckbox"); =; Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 44

textColor Type: Array Fields: All Access: R/W This property determines the foreground color of a field. It represents the text color for text, button, or list box fields and the check color for check box or radio button fields. Values are defined the same as the fillColor property. Refer to the Color Arrays section for information on defining color arrays and how values are set and used with this property. var f = this.getField("MyField"); f.textColor =; In older versions of this specification, this property was fgColor. The use of fgColor is now discouraged but for backwards compatibility is still valid. textFont Type: String Fields: Text, Combo, List & Button Access: R/W The textFont property determines the font that is used when laying out text in a text field, combo box, list box or button. Valid fonts are defined as properties of the “font” object as follows: Text Font Keyword Times-Roman font.Times Times-Bold font.TimesB Times-Italic font.TimesI Times-BoldItalic font.TimesBI Helvetica font.Helv Helvetica-Bold font.HelvB Helvetica-Oblique font.HelvI Helvetica-BoldOblique font.HelvBI Courier font.Cour Courier-Bold font.CourB Courier-Oblique font.CourI Courier-BoldOblique font.CourBI Symbol font.Symbol ZapfDingbats font.ZapfD Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 45

The following example illustrates the use of this property and the font object. // set the font of MyField to Helvetica var f = this.getField("MyField"); f.textFont = font.Helv; textSize Type: Integer Fields: All Access: R/W This property determines the text size in points that is used in all controls. In combo box and radio button fields, the text size determines the size of the check. Valid text sizes include zero and the range from 4 to 144 inclusive. A text size of zero means that the largest point size that can still fit in the field’s rectangle should be used (in multi-line text fields and buttons this is always 12 point). // set the text size of MyField to 28 point var f = this.getField("MyField"); f.textSize = 28; type Type: String Fields: All Access: R This read-only property returns the type of the field as a string. Valid types that are returned include button, checkbox, combobox, listbox, radiobutton, and signature. userName Type: String Fields: All Access: R/W This property returns/sets the user name of the field (short description) as a string. The user name is intended to be used as tool tip text whenever the mouse cursor enters a field. It can also be used as a user friendly name when generating error messages instead of the field name (which can sometimes not be suitable for human consumption). value Type: Various Fields: All But Button Access: R/W This property gets the value of the field data that the user has entered. Depending on the type of the field, the value may be a string, date, or number. Typically, the value is used to create calculated fields. var oil = this.getField("Oil"); Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 46

var filter = this.getField("Filter"); event.value = (oil.value + filter.value) * 1.0725; In this example, the value of the field being calculated is set to the sum of the oil and filter fields and multiplied by the state sales tax. Value is perhaps the most important of all the field properties. Field Methods buttonImportIcon Parameter: none Returns: nothing This method imports the appearance of a button from another PDF file. It prompts the user to select a PDF file available on the system. clearItems Parameters: none Returns: nothing This method clears all the values in a list box or combo box. // Clear the field MyListbox var f = this.getField("MyListBox"); f.clearItems(); deleteItemAt 4.0 Parameters: [nIndex] Returns: nothing This function deletes an item in a combo box or a list box. The parameter nIndex is the index of the item in the list to delete (zero-based). If nIndex is not specified then the currently selected item is deleted. var a = this.getField("MyListBox"); a.deleteItemAt(); getArray Parameters: None Returns: an array of fields. Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 47

This function returns an array of terminal children fields (i.e. fields that can have a value) for a parent field. This method can be particularly useful for doing field calculations in tables where a parent field value is the sum of all of its children. To understand more about field name and hierarchies, please see the section on Field Properties. // f has 3 children: f.v1, f.v2, f.v3 var f = this.getField("f"); var a = f.getArray(); var v = 0.0; for (j =0; j < a.length; j++) v += a[j].value; // v contains the sum of all the children of field "f" getItemAt Parameters: nIndex Returns: internal value in an item in a list or combo box This function gets the internal value of an item in a combo box or a list box. The parameter nIndex is the index of the item in the list to obtain. If nIndex is set to -1, it returns the value of the last item in the list. The getItemAt function returns the exported or internal value of the item at nIndex in the combo box or list box. // returns value of first item in list l var a = this.getField("MyListBox"); var v = a.getItemAt(0); insertItemAt Parameters: cName, cExportValue, [nIndex] Returns: nothing This function inserts a new item into a combo box or a list box. cName is the index at which to insert the item in a list box or combo box. cExportValue is the string export value of the item i.e. internal value of the item being inserted. nIndex is the index in the list to insert the item at. If nIndex is 0, cName is inserted at the top of the list. If nIndex is –1, cName is inserted at the end of the list. The default value for nIndex is 0. var l = this.getField("l"); /* l is a list box */ var v =l.insertItemAt("sam", "s", 0); /* inserts sam to top of list l */ setItems 4.0 Parameters: array Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 48

Returns: nothing This method sets the list of items for a combo box or a list box. The single parameter necessary to call this method must be an array. Each element in the array must either be an object convertible to a string or another array. If the element can be converted to a string, the user and export values for the list item are equal to the string. If the element is an array it must consist of two sub-elements. The first sub-element should be convertible to a string which will be used as the user value, the second element will be used as the export value. var l = this.getField("ListBox"); l.setItems(["One", "Two", "Three"]); var c = this.getField("StateBox"); c.setItems([["California", "CA"],["Massachusetts", "MA"],["Arizona", "AZ"]]); var c = this.getField("NumberBox"); c.setItems(["1", 2, 3, ["PI", Math.PI]]); See also the clearItems, getItemAt, and insertItemAt field methods. Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 49

Global Object The Global object is a static JavaScript object that allows you to share data between documents and have data be persistent across sessions. This is referred to as persistent global data. Global data-sharing and notification across documents is done through a publish and subscribe mechanism. This mechanism gives you the ability to monitor global data variables and report their value changes across documents. Global data can be specified by adding properties to the global object. The property type can be a string, a boolean, or a number. For example, to add a variable called “volume” and to allow all document scripts to have access to this variable, a script would simply define it as: global.volume = 80; To delete a variable or a property from the global object, use the delete operator to remove the defined property. For more information on the reserved JavaScript keyword delete, please see Netscape’s JavaScript Reference Manual. For example, to remove the property “volume” from the global object, call the following script: delete global.volume Global Object Methods setPersistent parameters: cVariable, bPersist Returns: none This method sets cVariable to be persistent. It requires that bPersist is set true. This means the cVariable will exist across invocations of Acrobat Exchange or Reader. If bPersist is false (the default for any global property) then the property will be accessible across documents but not across the Acrobat Viewer sessions. For example, to make the “volume” property persistent and accessible for other documents you could use: global.setPersistent("volume", true); Note: Persistent global data only applies to variables of type boolean, number or string. For all persistent data there is a 32k limit for the maximum size of the global persistent variables. Any data added to the string after the 32k limit will be dropped. It is recommended that JavaScript developers building scripts for Acrobat Forms, utilize some type of naming convention when specifying persistent global variables. One suggestion is to start all variables with your company name. For example, if your company name is Xyz, start Acrobat Forms - JavaScript Object Specification 50

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