Table, Box, lines are missed from output PDF files

I have a new problem. If you look at the original document, you’ll see a Box around the text in the header.  This is not coming out on the PDF.  Can this be resolved?  It’s important that the PDF matches the RTF.  Right now, I cannot use this.
Please look at following command line and attached PDF file, this PDF file does contain box, the attached PDF file was created by following command line,

D:\>"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i D:\temp4\TIN1104066V1.rtf -o D:\temp4\TIN1104066V1.rtf.pdf

We are using MS Word 2007, what version of office installed in your system?

Well, I was using MS Word 2007 on a machine with Vista.  I just got a new PC and am running MS Word 2010 on Windows 7.  On this machine, even using the command line, I do not get the box to appear.  Any suggestions from here?  I don’t want to think that I’ve purchased 2 programs where neither works properly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can add "-s ShowOfficeUI=1 " parameter to convert your RTF files to PDF files with boxes, for example,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s ShowOfficeUI=1 -i "C:\test\C669338V1.rtf" -o "C:\test\C669338V1.rtf.pdf"


Thank you for your help, that parameter does work. My remaining problem is that using the command line is not a good long term solution for me.  When I make PDF's I'm usually doing 10 or 15 at a time.  Having to type the input and output file names into the command line will take me longer than PDF'ing them one at a time (I'm not that great a typist). Is there any chance of getting this added to the Document Converter Program/options?
You can simple use *.rtf and *.pdf wildcard character to convert any number of RTF files to PDF files at one time, for example,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -s ShowOfficeUI=1 -i "C:\test\*.rtf" -o "C:\test\*.pdf"

You needn't input the filenames one by one, we hoping this solution will helpful to you.

Also, we will add " ShowOfficeUI=1" option into the next version of Document Converter GUI Program, we will let you know after new version is available.


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