default file location by ps to pdf converter SDK

We have an application that contains 2 dll's that I think are from verydoc:  ps2pdfsdk.dll and psconvrt.dll.  When we generate a pdf from the application the save location defaults to a temp directory.  Each time we attempt to save a pdf we get this location and must navigate to the desired directory.  Is there a way to setup our PDF utility to default to the last used location a file was saved or a fixed location other than the temp directory?
If you are using ps2pdfsdk.dll library, you can control the file location from your source code, please refer to following sample VB code,

Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PSToPDF Lib "ps2pdfsdk.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long

Private Sub ps2pdf_Click()
Dim nRet As Long
Dim strCmd As String
strCmd = "ps2pdf" & " -$" & " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
strCmd = strCmd & " C:\"
strCmd = strCmd & " C:\test.pdf"
nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF(strCmd)
MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub

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