PDF to Image SDK Registraion problem from VFP 8

We have been using the command line version of your product with the suplied registration code without any problem for several years. However, I recently tried to use the same registration code alonfg with the DLL version  (PDFToImageSetCode; PDFToImageConverter). The PDF converts to a multipage tiff file, but I am getting the test version watermark. Do I need a different registration code:
(I am working in VFP 8 in this project)

DECLARE long PDFToImageConverter in "c:\rts\pdf2image.dll" ;
String szPDFFileName , String szOutputName, ;
String szUserPassword,String szOwnPassword, ;
long xresolution,long yresolution,long bitcount, ;
long compression, long quality,INTEGER grayscale, ;
INTEGER multipage,long firstPage,long lastPage

Declare long PDFToImageGetPageCount  in "c:\rts\pdf2image.dll" ;
string szPDFFileName

Declare PDFToImageSetCode in "c:\rts\pdf2image.dll" ;
string szRegcode
LOCAL coutfile,npagecnt,

npagecnt = PDFToImageGetPageCount(cpdffile)

WAIT WINDOW "Converting PDF file to Tiff File: " + ALLTRIM(STR(npagecnt)) + " page(s)" NOWAIT NOCLEAR
nok = PDFToImageConverter(cPdffile, cTiffFile ; ,"", "", 200, 200, 1, 4, 70, 0, 1, -1, -1) WAIT CLEAR
IF nok>0
gfmessage("Failed to convert PDF file to Tiff file")
SET DEFAULT TO (c_drive)

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Are you using the latest version of pdf2image.dll library? If yes, please use old version of pdf2image.dll to replace the new version of pdf2image.dll file, then you will get it work.

I was using the wrong activation code, the one for our earlier command line version. I switched to the SDK version activation code and all is now working properly. Thank you for your help.
Thanks for your information.

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