Custom paper size in PCL to PDF Converter

Dear Support,

I am working with a customer for converting the PCL Convert  using the command line tool.  The customer has a requirement to convert pages that are 13" x 19" (A3+).  I do not see that page size supported.

It is critical that we have that page size available.  The customer has already purchased the license and our project is pending that size be available.

I love your product and have recommended it to our 100+ analysts as a solution to meet their PCL 2 PDF conversion requirements, so I am really hoping that you can accommodate this request.

Thank you,
Can you please email to us your sample PCL file for test purpose?

Thank you for your quick response.  We have had flooding in the area due to tropical storm.

I will get the Order ID tomorrow.  Attached is the PCL file that I run with the following:

pcltool.exe -rotate 0 -pclcmd "\"-J@PJL SET PAPER = A3\" \"-J@PJL SET DEFAULT ORIENTATION = Portrait\"" C:\FPL\out\PostCards.pcl C:\FPL\1C901Simplex\8UP_BART.pdf

Ideally, the size would be 13" x 19" which is a "A3 Super" size.  I could work with a custom size, if the parameter was allowable.

Thank you,
Thanks for your message, we have checked your PCL file, yes, the paper size of your PCL file is larger than A3 paper, VeryPDF PCL to PDF Converter doesn’t support custom paper size yet, we will try to support custom paper size in the future releases, we will let you know after this function is available, thanks for your patience.


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