Use 64bit version of PDF2Vector SDK

Please download PDF2Vector SDK from following URL,

You can call PDF2Vector SDK from VB, VC, etc. source code directly, please refer to follwoing VB sample code,
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDF2Vector Lib "pdf2vec.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim nRet As Long
Dim strCmd As String

strCmd = "pdf2vec -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
strCmd = strCmd & " d:\temp\11.pdf"
strCmd = strCmd & " C:\out.swf"

nRet = VeryPDF_PDF2Vector(strCmd)
MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub

You can deliver command line parameters and your License Key to VeryPDF_PDF2Vector() function, then you can convert your PDF files to other formats without any restrictions.
Thanks for your information, I′m a Network Administrator of XXXXXXX Software. We need start development process, now over 64 bits plataform, and, some time ago we was buy from you a SDK software to development called VeryDoc, but that version is only compatible with 32 bits systems.

You can find informations about our purchase in mail copied from AAA who′s copied in this message.

Then we need now proceed a new purchase, of VeryDoc SDK upgrade to 64 bits version. Can you send to us informations related values and methods to buy it ?

We will be waiting
my best regards,
Thanks for your information, please download latest version of PDF2Vector SDK from following URL,

You can call PDF2Vector SDK from VB, VC, etc. code directly, please refer to follwoing VB sample code,
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDF2Vector Lib "pdf2vec.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim nRet As Long
Dim strCmd As String

strCmd = "pdf2vec -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
strCmd = strCmd & " d:\temp\11.pdf"
strCmd = strCmd & " C:\out.swf"

nRet = VeryPDF_PDF2Vector(strCmd)
MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub

You can deliver command line parameters and your License Key to VeryPDF_PDF2Vector() function, then you can convert your PDF files to other formats without any restrictions.

You can use following code to call PDF2Vector COM from 64bit application,

'Please run "../bin/register_x64_com.bat" to register pdf2vector_com.exe first,
'then you can run "test_pdf2vec_com_for_x64.vbs" to call PDF2Vector COM method
'to convert PDF documents to other formats.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

pos = InstrRev(strFolder, "\")
strFolder2 = Mid(strFolder, 1, pos)
strPDFFile = strFolder2 & "bin\test.pdf"

strOutFile = strFolder & "\com_test_x64.xps"
Set pdf2vec = CreateObject("PDF2VectorCom.pdf2vec")

strCmd = "pdf2vec -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX """ & strPDFFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

MsgBox (strCmd)
nRet = pdf2vec.com_PDF2Vector(strCmd)
MsgBox ("Return Value is: " & CStr(nRet))


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