Convert special characters during PCL to PDF Conversion

Dear VeryPDF,

> Please look at attached PDF file, this PDF file was created by another
> version of PCL to PDF Converter product, will this PDF file reach your
> requirement?

Yes, looks good, that cahracterset is o.k. now.

Meantime I managed to get the characterset (symbolset) correct with the version I' ve downloaded few days ago also, using the following commandline:

pcltool -pclcmd "\"-J@PJL SET LPARM: PCL SYMSET=Roman-8 \"" myfax.pcl myfax.pdf

The result is myfax.pdf which I have attached to this email.

The output is different from yours, seems that my output uses vector graphics for the caracters, your output ises pixel graphics?!? (For comparision I attached your output also to this email).

Whan faxing (which means virtual printing to raster image file) both PDFs result in quit different qualities; I fel the vector graphics PDF (the one I produced) is a bit more readable.

Meanwhile I made the offering to the customer, including your product and our effort implementing in the whole processing; I hope to get response (and even more an order) form the cusomer within the nex 2 weeks.
> Additionally, if you have purchased our product, please also email to
> us your Order ID, if so, we will able to assist you quickly.

We have not yet ordered this product (PCLConverter) from you. We have ordered a PDFPrinter developer license quit a while ago. But I don’t know the order code at the moment, I guess you could find it if necessary by our companys name, "serVonic GmbH"?!?

> Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

I am fine for the moment., I plan top use the version I already have and use the pclcmd commandline option to set symbol set Roman-8.

Hope to be able to sent you an order soon.

Thanx again for fast and high quality help!

Thanks for your message, yes, your PDF file is vector graphics, my PDF file is raster image, your command line is great to solve this problem,

pcltool -pclcmd "\"-J@PJL SET LPARM: PCL SYMSET=Roman-8 \"" myfax.pcl myfax.pdf


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