How to convert pcl to jpg?

PCL is abbreviated from Printer command language which is mostly seen in LaserJet printer while Joint Photographic Experts Group is the full name of JPG which is also called JPEG. It is widely used because the jpeg file has a smaller size. Converting  pcl to jpg is much strongly demanded. An application which is called Verypdf PCL converter quickly converts pcl to jpg .  Please download it from this location:

How to convert  pcl to jpg step by step?

Step 1. Open the folder where the downloaded files is stored  and run the installer. The window of VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0 will be found on your desktop (picture 1). By operating this converter, you can finish this converting  job easily and quickly.

The running main window.

Picture 1

Step 2. Set some options about  this converter before you start converting this job. Double click on the label “Setting” in the main interfacee, find the tab “Basic Setting” in the setting dialogue box (picture 2) and click on it.

jpg output format

Picture 2

Turn “.pdf”,  to “.jpg” in the output format box  which is circled by the red square. And click on “OK”.

Step 3. Select a proper folder in the window which is called “VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.o”.

If more than one  PCL documents need to be converted in one directory, two tabs titled as Add file(s) and File(F)-Add files that are on the menu bar can help you. Picture 3 is the window to select the files you want to convert after three steps have been implemented .

Select the files you want to convert.

Picture 3

If all documents need converting in one directory, “Add directory” should be pressed. The related figure is picture 4.

select a directory

Picture 4

Here ,the “examples” folder is the one to be chosen. Press “OK”.

Step 4. Save the converted files in the directory you want.

Hit the start button on the bottom of the main interface, The dialogue box (picture 5) which is called “Browse for Folder” will appear.

browse for Folder

Picture 5

Please choose the directory in the window above  and the button “OK” will be activated. Press it. Then the job to convert pcl to jpg will be finished.

Is VeryPDF PCL Converter great? Go and buy VeryPDF PCL Converter here.

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