How to set bit depth when converting HTML to TGA?

What is HTML Converter Command Line?

HTML Converter Command Line is a professional HTML converter, which can be used to convert HTML to TGA and other files in formats like TIFF, PNG, and JP2. can be called from within VB, ASP, VC, BCB, Java, Delphi, COM+ and .NET, etc. You can free download HTML Converter Command Line by clicking here:

What is TGA?

TGA, developed by Truevision Inc.,is a raster graphics file format. On PC DOS/Windows systems, the extension of TGA files is commonly ".tga"; while on Macintosh systems, the extension of TGA files is ".tpic". It was further modified when thumbnails, gamma value, an alpha channel and textual metadata were introduced. It can be used to store and inter-change deep pixel images. The TGA format is widely used by the animation and video game industry.

How to set bit depth and convert HTML to TGA?

Bit depth, also known as color depth, is related to the amount of colors in an image in the computer. The command -bitcount <int>, which allows three parameter values: 1, 8, and 24, can be used to set color depth. It will take three steps to set bit depth and convert HTML to TGA via command line.

1. Run the command prompt window

  • Firstly, click “Start” on the computer screen;
  • Secondly, click “Run” on the home menu;
  • Thirdly, when the “Run” dialog box appears, you should enter “cmd” in the “Run” dialog box;
  • At last, click on “OK” in the “Run” dialog box to run the command prompt window.


2. Enter a command line

If you want to set color depth and convert HTML to TGA, the command line should be composed of four factors, as the following command line patter displays:

htmltools -bitcount <int> <HTML file> <TGA file>

  • htmltools ---- the executable file. It denotes to the executable file named htmltools.exe.
  • -bitcount <int> ---- the command that can be used to set color depth, ranging from 1 to 24. The angle brackets enclose the essential content. int means integer
  • <HTML file> ---- the input file. It indicates that the input format is HTML.
  • <TGA file> ---- the output file. It indicates that the output format should be TGA.

When you enter a command line, you should pay attention that the whole directories of the files rather than only the names must appear.

D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -bitcount 8 D:\in\snow.html C:\out\snow.tga

  • D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe ----the directory of the executable file htmltools.exe. The directory presents the executable file which is in the folder htmltools on disc D. Of course, the directory can be replaced.
  • -bitcount 8 ---- the command which is used to specify 8-bit as the color depth. The number can be replaced by 24 or 1.
  • D:\in\snow.html ---- the directory of the input file. This directory presents the input file snow that has been placed in the folder in on disk D. This directory can be replaced.
  • C:\out\snow.tga---- the directory of the output file. This directory indicates that the output format should be TGA, and the name of the output file should be snow in the folder out on disk C.

3. Press “Enter”

Once you press the “Enter” key on the keyboard, the computer will start to convert HTML to TGA. You can view the effect in a second.

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