How to set color depth when converting HTML to PCX?

Color depth is also called bit depth. It is used to present the bit number of a single pixel in an image. Computer uses color depth to control how many colors are allowed in the displaying image.

PCX is an image file format, which was developed by Zsoft for its PC Paintbrush was the native file format for the American PC Paintbrush graphics program, which can be used to be quite popular with early PCs’ users. At present, it has been largely replaced by GIF, JPEG and PNG which support better compression. Any way, it is one of the first widely accepted DOS imaging standards.

HTML Converter Command Line is a HTML converter which can help you convert web page to PCX and other files like PDF, PS (Postscript),  TIF, GIF, BMP. You can use HTML Converter  Command Line to set color depth and convert HTML to PCX via a command line. The HTML Converter Command Line can be download form the following website:

On how to set color depth and convert HTML to PCX via a command line, the process will include three steps:

1. Run the command prompt window

  • Click “Start”;
  • Click “Run” on the home menu to open the “Run” dialog box.
  • In the “Run” dialog box,
    • A. Enter “cmd”;
    • B. And next, click “OK” to run the command prompt window.


2. Enter a command line

The command line is supposed to conclude four factors. Look at the following pattern,

htmltools -bitcount <int> <HTML file> <PCX file>

  • htmltools ---- the executable file, which refers to htmltools.exe in the folder htmltools after you decompress the install file.
  • -bitcount <int> ---- the command that can be used to set color depth. The angle brackets enclose the essential content. int means integer, which allows 1, 8 and 24 here.
  • <HTML file> ---- the input HTML file.
  • <PCX file> ---- the output PCX file.

However, when you enter a command line in the command prompt window, you should enter the whole directories instead of only the names. For instance,

E:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -bitcount 8 D:\in\radio.html c:\out\radio.pcx

  • E:\htmltools\htmltools.exe ----the directory of the executable file htmltools.exe, in the folder htmltools on disc E. If it is necessary, you can change the directory.
  • -bitcount 8 ---- the command for specifying 1-bit as the output PCX file. The number can be changed.
  • D:\in\radio.html ---- the directory of the input HTML file, called radio in the folder in on disk D. And it can be replaced.
  • C:\out\radio.pcx represents the directory of the output file radio in the format PCX, placed in the folder out on disk C.

3. Press “Enter”

Simply press the “Enter” key, the computer will process the conversion from HTML to PCX without delay.

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