PDFcamp Printer x64 erase the registry settings


I'm having issues with PDF Camp prompting for "Save As" file name and the registry settings reverting back to the default values. I read


I installed PDF Camp v2.5 (x64) and registered it with the registration key. I set "PDFCamp Printer" as the default printer and modified the PDFCamp registry settings to:

AutomaticOutput = 1 //does not popup dialog
AutomaticValue = 2 //overwrite if file exist
AutomaticDirectory = "C:\PDFRepository"
AutoView = 0 //does not open pdf file after it created

When I have my application generate a PDF document from HTML, the first generation is successful, but the registry settings are reverted back (AutomaticDirectory reverts to blank and AutomaticOutput reverts to 0) and the subsequent PDF generation prompts for the "Save As" file name.

Can you tell me why the registry settings are being reverted back and how I can resolve this issue?



Thanks for your message, please look at following web pages for more information,




Please open “C:\Program Files\PDFcamp Printer (x64) v2.5\config.ini” file in notepad, change the “EmptyFileNameAfterPrinting” to “0″, save it, when you print a document to PDFcamp Printer on 64bit system, PDFcamp Printer will not clear the “AutomaticDirectory” value in registry,


the registry settings are not reverted back after you set EmptyFileNameAfterPrinting=0 in “C:\Program Files\PDFcamp Printer (x64) v2.5\config.ini” file.


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