How to remove unwanted text from PDF file in batch

PDF documents often contain thousands of words, so when you want to remove unwanted text from PDF, you must find and delete the texts one by one. Do you want to find a way to remove text from PDF file in batch? If so, please continue to read the following contents.

What You Need:

  • A PDF file
  • VeryPDF PDF Text Replacera simple and professional tool for deleting PDF texts. It can batch delete or remove unwanted texts from thousands words of PDF files with ease. It can also be used to change or replace text from PDF with text or images.

In the following contents, you will see how to use this tool to remove unwanted text from thousands words of PDF file.

1. Please download the installer VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer. Then, please double click the installer and follow the setup wizard to install it on the computer

2. After the installation, there should be a shortcut icon on the desktop. Please double click the shortcut icon to open this application. You can see the main interface of this application on the screen as the following snapshot.

remove text with VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer

3. Add PDF into the file list by clicking the Add button on the main interface to open file picker window in which you can choose files.

4. In the “Settings and Replacement” panel, please choose the tab According to Positions, and then please click the Settings button on the right side of the “Settings and Replacement” panel to open the “Settings” interface. Please see it in the next snapshot.

make settings with VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer

5. In the left Locate Text panel of the “Settings” interface, please browse the PDF and select the text that needs to be removed. When the button Add to the table appears, please click the button and then the page number, text position and text content will appear in the tables of “Replace with text” and “Replace with Image” on the right panel of the “Settings” interface.

In order to remove the selected texts, you can use one of the following methods:

One method is to replace the texts with blank. To do this, please check the radio button of “Replace with text” and input nothing in the column of “Replace with”. Please see it in the following snapshot.

Replace with text

The other method is to replace the texts with images (But the color of the image should be the same with the background of the original PDF. To do this, please check the radio box of “Replace with Image” and then please click the Open Picture File button in column “Replace with”, and choose a suitable image. Please see it in the next snapshot.

Replace with Image

After the settings, please click the Savebutton to apply the settings and go back to the main interface.

6. Please click the folder beside the “Output Folder” edit box in the middle of the main interface to choose a folder to save the result PDF. Then, please click the Replace button on the right side of the “Settings and Replacement” panel to start the process.

Several seconds later, you can get the PDF with unwanted texts removed in the specified folder.

You can check the effect from the following snapshot.

Input PDF and output PDF

This is the end of this article and you can get VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer here.

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