Can I fill an editable PDF with FDF?

Question:I have no luck finding if I can fill an form with FDF. Is it possible? I would like to fill a table with editable cells and be able to save it with changes. Is there any solution on VeryPDF? If there is command line or COM version, that would be much better?

Answer: According to your needs, you need to fill PDF form through FDF file by command line or other COM version software. Now there is such software named VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Command Line, by which you can fill PDF form by FDF. And there are three versions of this software: Linux version, Mac version and Windows version. And there is either normal command line version or COM version for you to choose. By this software, you can also merge, split, encrypt, edit PDF description information, and optimize PDF.  Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use this software to fill PDF form.

Step 1. Free download PDF Toolbox Command Line for Windows

  • There are three versions of this software, please make sure download the proper version according to your computer system.
  • When downloading finishes, please extract it to some folder then you can call it from MS Dos Window easily.

Step 2. Fill PDF form by FDF through command line.

  • When you use this software, please refer to usage and examples:pdftoolbox <input files> [options] <-outfile output >
  • When fill PDF form by FDF, please refer to the following command line template and parameters:
  • -fillform        : fill form fields of a single input PDF file with the data from an FDF/XFDF file. The form fields remain interactive
    in the result PDF.
    pdftoolbox sample_fillform.pdf -fillform sample_fillform.fdf –outfile  out.pdf
    By this command line, the form PDF sample_fillform.pdf is filled by the data in FDF file sample_fillform.fdf, and the filled form PDF is saved as out.pdf. The option -fillform tells the program to fill form automatically.

  • When you need to fill PDF form from Visual C#, please refer to the following code template:

  •     private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       string strExePath =
               PDFToolBoxCom.PDFToolBoxCom p = new PDFToolBoxCom.PDFToolBoxCom();
               string strReturn = p.RunCMD(strExePath + @"\sample_fillform.pdf -fillform sample_fillform.fdf -outfile out.pdf");       

When you use this function, please make sure the FDF has the same form table format with the original PDF form file or else the filling PDF form process could not be done successfully. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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