VeryPDF Cloud API :: APP Name DeleteFile :: Delete Temporary files and Convert PDF files to AS3 SWF files

Sorry, probably being very dumb...I have got an API key and am using the code below but I am not sure how to save the file to my server rather than a link to you. Thanks in advance.:

Well ultimately I wish to use docx/pptx to PDF and PDF to swf. I have only practiced with HTML to jpg from your example. It works perfectly but the output jpg is on your server. I wanted to know how I make the output file on my server in the same folder as the php which calls it to keep it secure.

Thanks for your message, after you get a URL on our server, you can extract this URL from your PHP or C# code, then you can call wget or other functions to download this JPG/SWF to your server easily.

If you don't know how to do, please feel free to let us know what program language you are using, we will provide an example to you shortly.

That's fine, I can do that. I guess then I'm just a bit concerned about the security as these will be sensitive files and the URL given appears to be publically available - I managed to view the created file from any computer. How can I be sure that these will be safe?

Sorry, 2nd question. The returned variable starts "[Output] http..." Is this fixed and do I simply remove the first 9 characters every time so the variable starts with "http.."?

Sorry, 3rd and final question! The SWF created appears to be AS2. As I'm working is AS3, this is causing issues when importing - is there an AS3 SWF option instead?

>>Sorry, 2nd question. The returned variable starts "[Output] http..." Is this fixed and do I simply remove the first 9 characters every time so the variable starts with "http.."?

Yes, you are right, this is the fixed format, you can simple search "[Output] " keyword and remove "[Output] " to get output URL easily, we will not change this output format in the future.

For the security issues of output PDF file, in general, the generated files will be deleted within 24 hours automatically.

If you still worry about the security issues, we can add a new parameter for you, you can download the converted file first, and then call this new parameter to delete the converted file immediately, e.g.,

The app name is "deletefile". Once you delete this generated file from VeryPDF server, nobody can view this file again, we hoping this way will okay to you.

btw, "deletefile" function is ready, you can run following URL to delete temporary file from VeryPDF Server now,

That's great, thank you. The biggest problem is the AS2/AS3 part as this is for my Flash website to preview uploaded documents and it needs to be able to control them. As it stands, AS3 cannot control an AS2 SWF so it would not work. Do you have a timescale as to when this would happen?

Please add "-T9" parameter to try, "-T9" parameter will create AS3/AVM2 compatible swf, we hoping "-T9" parameter will useful to you, e.g.,

Yes, that works great! I haven't had a chance to try the 'delete' function but will try later. I think that's everything needed to know that my project should work with you. I'll now need to code it all which will take a couple of weeks but will sign-up for a paid account as soon as I have it all sorted.

...Now I can't get the doc2any to work!! I've tried it with all the various office doc examples and all say 'Failed to Create'

Thanks for the time.

Sorry for this trouble, this is because Document Converter Service exit by some reason, I have manual restart this Document Converter Service just now, doc2any is work fine now.

We have also written a new monitor to monitor the Document Converter Service, this monitor does make sure Document Converter Service is running at 24 hours, you will not encounter same problem in the future.


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