docprint pro

How can I convert office documents to PDF files from ASP code?

Please advise which component and code to use for conversion server-side using ASP (Classic) on Windows Server 2003.
Do you wish convert office documents to PDF files on server? If yes, please download docPrint Pro v5.0 from following web page to try,

after you installed it, you can call it from your ASP code to convert office documents to PDF files, please refer to Example #6 at following web page to get more information,

Example 6: Run conversion via "docPrint_Service.exe" application,

if you encounter any problem for the docPrint Pro product, you can found the solution in our Knowledge Base,

You can also download DOC to Any Converter from following web page to try, DOC to Any Converter is can also convert office documents to PDF files from server side,


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pdf print

How we can select a specific output bin uisng your pdfprint command line tool?


We like to know how we can select a specific output bin uisng your pdfprint command line tool ?

Thanks for your message, you can use -chgbin or -papersource parameters to selectt he target bin, please refer to following command lines,

pdfprint.exe -listbins -printer "docPrint"
pdfprint.exe -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "auto" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 1" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Manual Feed" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Media Tray" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 3" -settraytopclfile C:\test.pcl

Hi thanks for the replay but what I am talking here is output bin.  Our printer has input bins ( trays) and we know we can control that using PDFprint but how we can control output bins ?

Sent from my iPad
-chgbin and -papersource parameters are used to control output bins, they can't control the input bins, please notice this matter.


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verypdf blog

PCL to PDF Converter can’t convert table lines

I'm using a trial version of pcltool. The doc I'm trying to convert to pdf is called $IN72333.txt. As you can see, it has ms-dos graphical characters (these lines will be used to constitute tables). You can see these with the edit command in the WinXP command prompt (edit $IN722333.txt) or using notepad and setting the font to Terminal.
Now, I thought I got this to work at one point. However, I can't seem to make it work anymore. The attached PDF file is not using the correct characters from the correct code page. Any suggestions?
C:\phsemail>"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" c:\phsemail\$IN72333.txt
We noticed that you are using the PCL to PDF Converter which created at 2006 year, that version is too old, please download and install latst version of PCL to PDF Converter from our website first,

after you installed it, please rename your “$IN72333.txt” filename to “$IN72333.pcl” filename, then you can run following command line to convert your PCL file to PDF file correctly,

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" D:\temp\$IN72333.pcl
Conversion time = 1685ms
D:\temp\$IN72333.pcl ==> D:\temp\$IN72333.pdf, result=OK
TickCount = 1685ms(1.69s)

The lines are all look fine in the generated PDF file, please look at following screenshot,



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@verypdf news, pdfstamp command line

PDF Stamp Command Line is support barcode NOW.


can we use PsdStamp Command Line to stamp a barcode font on the pdf ? Perhaps this is simply..

I have try to run pdfstamp command with the follow option that must specify to use a specific font :

-FT "FREE 3 OF 9"

But the font on the pdf is always the standard font (I have also tried with other fonts installed on the system..).
It seems that the command -FT don't works..

Can you help me please ?

We have released a new version of PDFStamp Command Line application today, please download the new version of PDFStamp Command Line application from following URL,

after you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to add barcode text into your PDF pages,

pdfstamp.exe -pdf pdftest.pdf -o pdftest-out.pdf -at 1234567890 -ft "Free 3 of 9" package contains a stamp-barcode.bat file, you can also run stamp-barcode.bat file to test barcode function.



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pdf form filler

Rich Text form field supported by PDF Form Filler product


We have a need to fill form fields in an Acrobat PDF.  One of the fields is a multiline rich text form field and we need to be able to fill it with formatted rich text.  This step occurs on our server and the completed, formatted PDF is then sent for printing.

Can your library perform this function for us?



Please download VeryPDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1 from following web page to try, you can use VeryPDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1 to fill the PDF forms easily,

please refer to the example VB source code at below,

Private Declare Sub PDFForm_SetLicenseKey Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpLicenseKey As String)
Private Declare Function PDFForm_MergeFDFIntoPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpInFDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_MergeXFDFIntoPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpInFDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_ExtractFDFFromPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpOutFDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_FlattenPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_EncryptPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpUserPwd As String, ByVal lpOwnerPwd As String, ByVal lpPermissions As String, ByVal nKeyLen As Long, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long

Private Declare Function PDFForm_Alloc Lib "pdfform.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_Free Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_SetTextField Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpFieldName As String, ByVal lpFieldValue As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_SetCheckBox Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpFieldName As String, ByVal lpFieldValue As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_Apply Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpInFile As String, ByVal lpOutFile As String, ByVal bFlatten As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_ClearFields Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long) As Long

Private Function PDFFormFilling1()
        Dim id As Long
        Dim nRet As Long
        Dim szOutPDF1 As String
        Dim szOutPDF2 As String
        Dim szPDFFile As String
        szPDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.pdf"
        szOutPDF1 = App.Path + "\out1.pdf"
        szOutPDF2 = App.Path + "\out2.pdf"

        id = PDFForm_Alloc()
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-1", "1 Test for Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-2", "1 Test for Business Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-3", "1 Test for f1-3")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-4", "1 Test for f1-4")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-5", "1 Test for f1-5")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-6", "1 Test for f1-6")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-4", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-5", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-1", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-2", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_Apply(id, szPDFFile, szOutPDF1, False)
        nRet = PDFForm_ClearFields(id)
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-1", "2 Test for Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-2", "2 Test for Business Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-3", "2 Test for f1-3")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-4", "2 Test for f1-4")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-5", "2 Test for f1-5")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-6", "2 Test for f1-6")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-4", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-5", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-1", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-2", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_Apply(id, szPDFFile, szOutPDF2, True)
        nRet = PDFForm_Free(id)
End Function

Private Function PDFFormFilling2()
        Dim bRet As Long
        Dim szInPDFFile As String
        Dim szInFDFFile As String
        Dim szInXFDFFile As String
        Dim szOutPDFFile As String
        Dim szOutPDFFileByXFDF As String
        Dim szOutFDFFile As String
        Dim szFlattenPDFFile As String
        Dim szEncryptPDFFile As String
        szInPDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.pdf"
        szInFDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.fdf"
        szInXFDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.xfdf"
        szOutPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-filled.pdf"
        szOutPDFFileByXFDF = App.Path + "\out-filled-by-xfdf.pdf"
        szOutFDFFile = App.Path + "\out.fdf"
        szFlattenPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-flatten.pdf"
        szEncryptPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-encrypt.pdf"
        bRet = PDFForm_MergeFDFIntoPDF(szInPDFFile, szInFDFFile, szOutPDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_MergeXFDFIntoPDF(szInPDFFile, szInXFDFFile, szOutPDFFileByXFDF)
        bRet = PDFForm_ExtractFDFFromPDF(szOutPDFFile, szOutFDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_FlattenPDF(szOutPDFFile, szFlattenPDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_EncryptPDF(szOutPDFFile, "123", "456", "Printing", 128, szEncryptPDFFile)
End Function

Private Sub PDFForm_Click()
        PDFForm_SetLicenseKey ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
End Sub


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