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Use VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library to convert EMF and WMF files to PDF files on Windows, Mac and Linux systems

Introducing VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library: The Ultimate Solution for Converting EMF to PDF.

EMF (Enhanced Metafile) is a popular file format used for storing vector graphics. However, when it comes to sharing or printing EMF files, converting them to PDF (Portable Document Format) is often necessary. VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library is a powerful and efficient tool that enables you to convert EMF files to PDF in just a few simple steps. In this article, we will introduce you to this powerful converter library and highlight its features and benefits.


What is VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library?

VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library is a software development kit (SDK) that allows developers to convert EMF files to PDF in their applications. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API that can be integrated into various programming languages such as C++, C#, VB.NET, and Java. With this library, you can convert EMF files to PDF programmatically, without the need for any third-party software.

Features and Benefits for VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library:

1. High-quality conversion: VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library uses advanced algorithms to ensure that the converted PDF files have high quality and are faithful to the original EMF files.

2. Batch conversion: The library supports batch conversion, which allows you to convert multiple EMF files to PDF at once, saving you time and effort.

3. Customizable settings: You can customize the conversion settings to suit your needs, such as specifying the output PDF version, setting the page size, and adjusting the image quality.

4. Easy integration: VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library provides a simple and easy-to-use API that can be integrated into various programming languages, making it easy for developers to use.

5. Cross-platform compatibility: The library supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, making it easy to integrate into various software environments.

How to Use VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library?

Using VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library is straightforward. Here are the basic steps:

1. Download and install the library on your computer.

2. Create a new project in your programming language and add the library to your project.

3. Use the library's API to convert your EMF files to PDF. You can customize the conversion settings if needed.

4. Save the converted PDF files to the desired location.

VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library is a powerful and efficient tool that provides developers with an easy and reliable way to convert EMF files to PDF. Its high-quality conversion, batch conversion, customizable settings, easy integration, and cross-platform compatibility make it the ultimate solution for converting EMF to PDF. With VeryPDF EMF to PDF Converter Library, you can convert your EMF files to PDF quickly and easily, saving you time and effort.

Should you be interested in acquiring a license for our product or require assistance in developing a custom software solution based on it, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always ready to assist you and provide you with the necessary support.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and providing developer assistance if required.

C++ sample to convert EMF and WMF files to PDF files on Windows, Mac and Linux systems,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "VSTypes.h"
#include "VSDocA.h"
#include "VSExcept.h"
#include "VSError.h" 
#include "VSLibA.h"
#include "VSPageA.h"
#include "VSCanvasA.h"
#include "VSImageA.h"

#define PageWidth   595    /* Page width definition */
#define PageHeight  842    /* Page height definition */

int main( void )
    int Page;                    /* Page index variable description */
    PBXHandle PB;                /* Paint box variable description */ 
    HENHMETAFILE hemf;           /* Metafile variable description */ 
    PDFDocHandle doc = NULL;     /* Document variable description */
    PDFLibHandle    PDFLibrary;  /* VERYPDF  variable description */
    ppInt32         ErrorCode;
    char            ErrBuff[256];
    ENHMETAHEADER emfHeader;

    PDFLibrary=InitPDFLibrary(NULL, NULL);  /* Library initializing */
        doc = PDFDocCreate( PDFLibrary );   /* Create new PDF file */
    //  PDFDocSetAutoLaunch( doc, true );   /* Launch destination PDF file after work */
        /* First page */
        hemf = GetEnhMetaFile ( "E:\\VeryPDF.emf" );        /* Load metafile*/ 
        if ( !hemf ) 
            PDFRAISE ( PDFLibrary, PDFBuildErrCode ( ErrGeneralLevel, gleOtherError ) );
        Page = PDFDocAppendPage( doc, emfHeader.rclBounds.right, emfHeader.rclBounds.bottom );  /* Insert new page into document */
        PB = PDFPageCreatePaintBox( doc, Page, 72 );    /* Create paintbox */ 
        PDFTRY ( PDFLibrary ){
            PBXPlayMetaFile ( PB, hemf, 0.0, 0.0, 1 , 1 );  /* Add metafile to document in coordinates X=10, Y=20, X Size = 1, Y Size = 1 */
        } PDFFINALLY ( PDFLibrary ) {
            DeleteEnhMetaFile ( hemf );         /* Close metafile */
        } PDFFINALLYEND ( PDFLibrary );   
        PBXClose( PB, true );                   /* Close paintbox */

        PDFDocSaveToFile( doc, "E:\\out.pdf" ); /* Saving the document */ 
    } PDFFINALLY( PDFLibrary ){                 /* Closing the library */
        if ( doc ) PDFDocClose ( doc );
        ErrorCode = PDFLASTERROR( PDFLibrary );
        if ( ErrorCode ){
            VSGetErrorStr( ErrorCode, ErrBuff );
            printf("Error: %s\n", ErrBuff);

        }else {
        DonePDFLibrary( &PDFLibrary );
    return ErrorCode;
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pdf form filler, verypdf sdk & com

Use VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library to get and set values to PDF forms

VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library is a powerful tool that can be used to modify PDF AcroForms. With this library, users can get values from PDF forms, set values to PDF forms, and change the appearance of PDF forms. The library supports various fields in PDF forms, such as text fields, checkbox fields, combo box fields, list box fields, and more. In this article, we will explore some of the ways in which VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library can be used to modify PDF AcroForms.


Getting Values from PDF Forms
VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library allows users to easily retrieve the values from the fields in a PDF form. This can be done using the GetValue method. The method takes the field name as a parameter and returns the value of the field.

Setting Values to PDF Forms
VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library also enables users to set values to the fields in a PDF form. This can be done using the SetValue method. The method takes the field name and the new value as parameters and sets the value of the field.

Changing Appearance to PDF Forms
VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library can also be used to modify the appearance of PDF forms. This can be done using the SetAppearance method. The method takes the field name and the appearance as parameters and changes the appearance of the field.

VeryPDF PDF AcroForms Modifier Library provides a simple and effective way to modify PDF AcroForms. With its easy-to-use methods, users can get values from PDF forms, set values to PDF forms, and change the appearance of PDF forms. This library is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to work with PDF forms, whether they are filling out forms, modifying existing forms, or creating new forms.

Should you be interested in acquiring a license for our product or require assistance in developing a custom software solution based on it, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always ready to assist you and provide you with the necessary support.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and providing developer assistance if required.

C++ example to get values from PDF files, set values to PDF forms and modify PDF forms,

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>						/* Use standard Input/Output Console API */

#include "VSLibA.h"						/* Use VeryPDF PDF Library */
#include "VSExcept.h"					/* Use Exceptions API */
#include "VSError.h"					/* Use Errors API */
#include "VSDocA.h"						/* Use PDF Document API */

#include "VSAcroInfoA.h"			  /* Use Acro Objects API */

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )		/* Get PDF filename as first parameter */
	PDFLibHandle	PDFLibrary;			/* PDF Library Handle */
	PDFDocHandle	Doc = NULL;			/* PDF Document Handle */

	ppUns32			Index;				  /* Acro Object Index in PDF Document */
	ppUns32			Count;				/* Count of Acro Objects in PDF Document */
	char			*FieldName;	  /* Variable Acro Field's Name */
	ppUns32			NameLen = 0;
	char			*FieldValue;  /* Variable Acro Field's Value */
	ppUns32			ValueLen = 0;
	char			SettingName[ 128 ];	  /* Constant Acro Field's Name */
	char			OutName[ 128 ];
	char			OutValue[ 128 ];
	TPDFAcroType	FieldType;

	ppInt32			OptCount = 0;
	ppInt32			OptIndex;
	char			*OptValue;
	ppUns32			OptLen	= 0;
	ppInt32			ErrorCode;			/* Check Error Code */
	char			ErrBuff[256];

	ppBool			IsUnicode = true;
	const char *TypeNames[] = { "Unknown", "PushButton", "CheckBox", "RadioButton", "EditBox", "ComboBox", "ListBox", "Signature" };
	PDFLibrary = InitPDFLibrary( NULL, NULL ); /* Initialize PDF Library */
	PDFTRY( PDFLibrary )				/* On error keep exception */

	Doc = PDFDocLoadFromFile( PDFLibrary, "C:/AcroFormAPITest.pdf"); /* Load existing PDF file */

	PDFDocSetAutoLaunch( Doc, true );	/* Launch destination PDF file after work */
	Count = PDFAcroGetCount( Doc ); /* Check Count of Acro Objects in PDF Document */
	for ( Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++ ) { /* Take each Acro Objects one by one */
		FieldName = PDFAcroGetNameByIndex( Doc, Index, &IsUnicode, &NameLen	 ); /* Get Acro Object's Name */
		FieldValue = PDFAcroGetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, &ValueLen ); /* Get Acro Object's Value */
		strncpy( OutName, FieldName, NameLen );
		OutName[ NameLen ] = '\0';
		strncpy( OutValue, FieldValue, ValueLen );
		OutValue[ ValueLen ] = '\0';
		if ( FieldName || FieldValue ) {	/* If we had any not null option then ... */
			/* Print Name and Value of current Object */
			printf("Field with name '%s' have value '%s' yet.\n", OutName, ValueLen ? OutValue : "Empty" );
			FieldType = PDFAcroGetTypeByIndex( Doc, Index );
			if ( ( FieldType == PDFAcroTypeRadioButton ) || ( FieldType == PDFAcroTypeListBox ) || ( FieldType == PDFAcroTypeComboBox ) ) {
				OptCount = PDFAcroGetOptionCountByIndex( Doc, Index );
				printf( "\tFieldType is %s. Possible options are:\n", TypeNames[ ( int )FieldType ] );
				for ( OptIndex = 0; OptIndex < OptCount; OptIndex++ ) {
					OptValue = PDFAcroGetOptionValueByIndex( Doc, Index, OptIndex, &OptLen );
					strncpy( OutValue, OptValue, OptLen );
					OutValue[ OptLen ] = '\0';
					printf( "\t\t%d -- %s\n", OptIndex, OptLen ? OutValue : "Empty" );
	sprintf( SettingName, "cp" ); /* Intention to change field with name "cp" (Contact Person) */
	Index = PDFAcroGetIndexByName( Doc, SettingName, false );
	PDFAcroSetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, "Ted Thompson" ); /* Set Field "cp" Value
															   as "Ted Thompson"*/

	FieldValue = PDFAcroGetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, &ValueLen ); /* Get Field "cp" Value */
	if ( FieldValue ) { /* If Value of Contact Person Field is not NULL then ...*/
		/* Print Name and Value of Contact Person Field */
		printf("Field with name '%s' have value '%s' now.\n", SettingName, FieldValue );

	sprintf( SettingName, "cn" ); /* Intention to change field with name "cn" (Company Name) */
	Index = PDFAcroGetIndexByName( Doc, SettingName, false );
	PDFAcroSetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, "Thallium Inc." ); /* Set Field "cn" Value as "Thallium Inc."*/
	FieldValue = PDFAcroGetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, &ValueLen ); /* Get Field "cn" Value */
	if ( FieldValue ) { /* If Value of Company Name Field is not NULL then ...*/
		/* Print Name and Value of Company Name Field */
		printf("Field with name '%s' have value '%s' now.\n", SettingName, FieldValue );

	sprintf( SettingName, "dp" ); /* Intention to change field with name "dp" (Department) */
	Index = PDFAcroGetIndexByName( Doc, SettingName, false );
	/* Set Field "dp" Value as "202 Software Department"*/
	PDFAcroSetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, "202 Software Department" );
	FieldValue = PDFAcroGetValueByIndex( Doc, Index, &ValueLen ); /* Get Field "dp" Value */
	if ( FieldValue ) { /* If Value of Department Field is not NULL then ...*/
		/* Print Name and Value of Department Field */
		printf("Field with name '%s' have value '%s' now.\n", SettingName, FieldValue );
	 /* Save destination PDF file  */
	PDFDocSaveToFile( Doc, "C:/AcroFormInfoTest.pdf" );
	PDFFINALLY( PDFLibrary ) /* Do further if haven't PDF Library Exceptions */
	if ( Doc )
		PDFDocClose ( Doc ); /* Close PDF Document and free memory */
	ErrorCode = PDFLASTERROR( PDFLibrary ); /* Check last error, if 0 then finished successfully */
	if ( ErrorCode ){
		VSGetErrorStr( ErrorCode, ErrBuff );
		printf("Error: %s\n", ErrBuff);

	}else {
	DonePDFLibrary( &PDFLibrary ); /* Free PDF Library */
	PDFFINALLYEND( PDFLibrary ); /* End of try...end block */
	return ErrorCode;	/* Return Error Code as program result */
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verypdf sdk & com

Create Interactive Forms with VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API

As the world continues to move towards digitalization, businesses and individuals alike have realized the importance of having efficient tools to create and manage electronic forms. One such tool is the PDF-based fillable form, also known as the AcroForm. An AcroForm is an interactive form with a collection of fields, such as TextBox, Button, CheckBox, etc., which can be filled with data programmatically or manually in order to take information as input from the user. The PDF specification 1.7 (Section 12.7) outlines the format and structure of AcroForms.


VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a powerful tool that allows developers to create interactive PDF forms. With this API, you can add, get, modify, and delete different form fields. This article will delve into the features and benefits of VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API and highlight how it can help you create dynamic PDF forms.

Features of VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API:

VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a feature-rich tool that comes with several functionalities to make creating and managing PDF forms a breeze. Here are some of its notable features:

1. Support for multiple field types: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API supports a variety of field types, including TextField, CheckBoxField, CombTextField, ComboBoxField, ListBoxField, PushButtonField, RadioButtonField, and SignatureField. This wide range of field types ensures that you can create forms that suit your specific needs.

2. Easy to use: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is user-friendly, making it easy to integrate into your existing workflow. The API is well documented, and the library comes with a comprehensive set of instructions, examples, and code snippets to guide you through the process.

3. Compatibility: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is compatible with various programming languages, including C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Java, and PHP, among others. This makes it easy to integrate into your existing projects, regardless of the platform you are using.

4. Security: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API supports digital signatures, which ensures the security and authenticity of the forms. This feature is particularly important for forms that contain sensitive information, such as credit card details or medical records.

5. Customization: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API allows for extensive customization of the form fields, including changing the font, font size, color, and alignment. This feature ensures that the forms look professional and consistent with your brand.

Benefits of VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API:

1. Saves time and resources: VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API enables developers to create interactive PDF forms quickly and easily. This means that you do not have to spend time and resources manually creating and managing forms, which frees up your time for other important tasks.

2. Improves data accuracy: Interactive PDF forms created with VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API are designed to collect data accurately. This means that there is less room for error, reducing the need for manual verification and correction.

3. Enhances user experience: Interactive PDF forms created with VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API provide a seamless user experience. Users can easily fill out the form fields, save, and submit their responses, which makes the process of filling out forms less tedious and more convenient.

4. Increases productivity: With VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API, you can create PDF forms that can be automatically filled with data, saving you time and effort. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that deal with a large volume of forms.

VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a powerful tool that enables developers to create dynamic PDF forms quickly and easily. With its wide range of field types, ease of use, compatibility with various programming languages, security features, and customization options, VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a valuable tool for businesses and individuals who want to create and manage interactive PDF forms efficiently.

By using VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API, you can save time and resources, improve data accuracy, enhance user experience, and increase productivity. Whether you are creating forms for your business, school, or personal use, VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a reliable tool that can help you achieve your goals.

If you are interested in learning more about VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API, you can visit their website to access their documentation, examples, and code snippets. Additionally, their support team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Overall, VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API is a great choice for anyone looking to create and manage interactive PDF forms efficiently.

Want to buy this VeryPDF PDF AcroForm Creator API product?

Should you be interested in acquiring a license for our product or require assistance in developing a custom software solution based on it, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always ready to assist you and provide you with the necessary support.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and providing developer assistance if required.

Sample C++ source code to create PDF AcroForm,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "VSPlatform.h"
#include "VSLibA.h"         /* Use VeryPDF PDF Library */
#include "VSExcept.h"       /* Use Exceptions API */
#include "VSError.h"        /* Use Errors API */
#include "VSTypes.h"        /* Use VeryPDF Type Definitions */
#include "VSDocA.h"         /* Use PDF Document API */
#include "VSPageA.h"        /* Use PDF Page Document API */
#include "VSFontA.h"

#include "VSAcroFormA.h"  /* Use Acro Form API */
#include "VSCanvasA.h"    /* Use Canvas Drawing API */
#include "VSActionA.h"    /* Use PDF Actions API */
#include "VSAnnotA.h"     /* Use PDF Annotation API */

#include "VSBaseA.h"

#define PageWidth 1000      /* Page width definition */
#define PageHeight 500      /* Page height definition */

/* Determination of relative page coordinates, normalized to 100 */
#define PX(a) (PageWidth*a/100)
#define PY(a) (PageHeight*a/100)
/* Determination of relative control ( Acro Object Content ) coordinates, normalized to 100 */
#define OX(a) (PageWidth*a/100)
#define OY(a) (PageHeight*(100-a)/100)

TPDFRect GetPDFRect(ppReal xl, ppReal yl, ppReal xr, ppReal yr)
	TPDFRect Rect;
	Rect.xl = xl;
	Rect.yl = yl;
	Rect.xr = xr;
	Rect.yr = yr;
	return Rect;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	PDFLibHandle	    PDFLibrary;         /* PDF Library Handle */
	PDFDocHandle	    Doc = NULL;         /* PDF Document Handle */
	PDFAnnotationHandle StampAnnot;         /* PDF Annotation Handle fot Stamp Annotations Example */
	PDFAnnotationHandle TextAnnot;          /* PDF Annotation Handle for Text Annotations Example */
	PBXHandle           PaintBox;           /* Handle of Paint Box for Content Drawing */
	ppInt32             ErrorCode;          /* Check Error Code */
	ppInt32             fi, Page;           /* Variable counter */
	char			    ErrBuff[256];
	ppUns32			    Acro;
	/*ppReal			TextWidth; */
	char* Wrk;
	char* Text;               /* Text String for Annotation Text*/

	PDFLibrary = InitPDFLibrary(NULL, NULL);/* Initialize PDF Library */
	PDFTRY(PDFLibrary)/* On error keep exception */
		Doc = PDFDocCreate(PDFLibrary);
#ifdef WINDOWS_PLATFORM        
	PDFDocSetAutoLaunch(Doc, true);/* Launch destination PDF file after work */
	Page = PDFDocAppendPage(Doc, PageWidth, PageHeight); /* Create new page in PDF document */
	PaintBox = PDFPageCreatePaintBox(Doc, Page, 72); /* Create Page Content PaintBox with default resolution ( 72 dpi )*/

	/* Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack. */
	/* Set the line 1 point width. */
	PBXSetLineWidth(PaintBox, 1);
	/* Set the line cap style in the graphics state. */
	PBXSetLineCap(PaintBox, 1);
	/* Set the line join style in the graphics state. */
	PBXSetLineJoin(PaintBox, 1);
	/* Set the filling Color space to DeviceRGB and Color as White to use for filling operations */
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.98, 0.95, 0.92));
	/* Append a rectangle to the current path as all active area. */
	PBXRectangle(PaintBox, 0, 0, PX(100), PY(100));
	/* Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill.
	Any subpaths that are open are implicitly closed before being filled.*/
	/* Set the stroking Color as Dark Maroon */
	PBXSetStrokeColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	/* Set Rectangle Border around whole area */
	PBXRectangle(PaintBox, 0, 0, PX(100), PY(100));
	/* Draw Rectangle Border */
	/* Set the stroking Color as Light Maroon */
	PBXSetStrokeColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.6, 0.0, 0.0));
	/* Set Rectangle Border in previous Rectangle */
	PBXRectangle(PaintBox, 1, 1, PX(100) - 1, PY(100) - 1);
	/* Draw Rectangle Border */
	/* Set the stroking Color as Red */
	PBXSetStrokeColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	/* Set Rectangle Border in previous Rectangle */
	PBXRectangle(PaintBox, 2, 2, PX(100) - 2, PY(100) - 2);
	/* Draw Rectangle Border */

	fi = PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding);
	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(8), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(02), PY(02), 0, "Intention Form");
	/* Set filling color as Dark Maroon */
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	/* Set narrow rectangle under text caption */
	PBXRectangle(PaintBox, PX(02), PY(10) + 1, PX(98), PY(10) + 2);
	/* Fill rectangle by Dark Maroon Color */

	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(2), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.5, 0.0));
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(75), PY(5), 0, "Thallium Software Group \251 2005");

	fi = PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfCourierBold, etWinAnsiEncoding);
	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(2.5), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.2, 0.0));
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(02), PY(12), 0, "Contact Person");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(02), PY(22), 0, "Company Name");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(02), PY(32), 0, "Department");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(21), PY(32), 0, "Phone");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(41), PY(32), 0, "E-Mail");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(2), PY(42), 0, "Street Address");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(2), PY(62), 0, "City");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(31), PY(62), 0, "State");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(41), PY(62), 0, "ZIP");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(2), PY(71), 0, "Which purposes are you pursuing?");

	fi = PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding);
	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(3), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.8, 0.1, 0.1));
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(4), PY(91.5), 0, "I wanna to subscribe news about yours products");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(4), PY(95.5), 0, "I wanna to contact with yours managers");

	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(5), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(62), PY(21), 0, "Which library pack");
	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(62), PY(25), 0, "are you interested?");

	/*  Draw Contact person edit box                                        */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(02), OY(15), OX(60), OY(20)), "cp");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	//PDFAcroObjectSetFlag ( Acro, )
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw Company name                                                   */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(02), OY(25), OX(60), OY(30)), "cn");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	//PDFAcroObjectSetFlag ( Acro, )
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw phone edit box                                      */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(21), OY(35), OX(40), OY(40)), "ph");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	//PDFAcroObjectSetFlag ( Acro, )
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw phone edit box                                      */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(41), OY(35), OX(60), OY(40)), "em");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	//PDFAcroObjectSetFlag ( Acro, )
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw address edit box                                               */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(2), OY(45), OX(60), OY(60)), "ad");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFlag(Doc, Acro, PDFACRO_MULTILINE);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw city    edit box                                               */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(2), OY(65), OX(30), OY(70)), "ct");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw zip edit box                                                   */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendEditBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(40), OY(65), OX(60), OY(70)), "zp");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetMaxLen(Doc, Acro, 0);
	PDFAcroEditBoxSetAlign(Doc, Acro, PDFAcroQuaddingLeft);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(3), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));

	/*  Draw department combo box                                           */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendComboBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(02), OY(35), OX(20), OY(40)), "dp");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(2.5), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetCaption(Doc, Acro, "< select department, please >");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "100 Management");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "101 Administration");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "102 Accounting");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "103 Information Department");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "104 Technology Department");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "105 Personal Management");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "110 Customer Service");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "120 External Relations");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "121 Analog Proofs");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "150 System Analytic Department");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "200 Research Department");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "201 Development");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "202 Software Department");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "999 Other");

	/*  Draw state combo box                                           */
	Acro = PDFPageAppendComboBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(31), OY(65), OX(39), OY(70)), "st");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(2.5), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetCaption(Doc, Acro, "<select>");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "AL");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "AR");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "AZ");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "CA");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "CO");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "HA");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "KE");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "MA");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "NE");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "NY");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "OH");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "OL");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "OR");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "PE");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "TX");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendListBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(2), OY(90), OX(60), OY(75)), "pu");
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFlag(Doc, Acro, PDFACRO_MULTISELECT);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding),
		PY(2.5), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I wanna buy one copy for me");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I wanna buy library for my company");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I wanna to be reseller in own region");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I wanna testing yours library");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I looking for similar product in internet");
	PDFAcroObjectAppendItem(Doc, Acro, "I have some questions about yours PDF products");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendCheckBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(2), OY(94), OX(2) + PY(3), OY(91)), "sb", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, ppMAXUns32, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.4, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsCheck, cbfRectangle);

	Acro = PDFPageAppendCheckBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(2), OY(98), OX(2) + PY(3), OY(95)), "cm", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, ppMAXUns32, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsVmark, cbfRectangle);

	PBXSetActiveFont(PaintBox, fi, PY(2), false, false);
	PBXSetFillColor(PaintBox, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0));

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(90), PY(23), 0, "Demo");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(87), OY(26), OX(87) + PY(04), OY(22)), "Demo", "pd", true);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, ppMAXUns32, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(83), PY(33), 0, "Home Edition");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(80), OY(36), OX(80) + PY(04), OY(32)), "Home", "pd", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, ppMAXUns32, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(77), PY(43), 0, "Standard Edition");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(74), OY(46), OX(74) + PY(04), OY(42)), "Standard", "pd", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, ppMAXUns32, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(72), PY(53), 0, "Professional Edition");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(69), OY(56), OX(69) + PY(04), OY(52)), "Professional", "pd", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, -1, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(68), PY(63), 0, "Enterprise Edition");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(65), OY(66), OX(65) + PY(04), OY(62)), "Enterprise", "pd", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, -1, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	PBXTextOut(PaintBox, PX(65), PY(73), 0, "Corporate Edition");

	Acro = PDFPageAppendRadioButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(62), OY(76), OX(62) + PY(04), OY(72)), "Corporate", "pd", false);
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, -1, 0, ULRGBToColor(0.3, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroObjectSetStyle(Doc, Acro, cbsDiamond, cbfCircle);

	Acro = PDFPageAppendPushButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(0.9 * PageWidth, 10, PageWidth - 10, 10 + 0.05 * PageHeight),
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, SetNoPDFColor, ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetCaption(Doc, Acro, "Submit Form");
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding), PY(2), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroPushButtonSetMiter(Doc, Acro, 0.006 * PageHeight);
	Wrk = "//LocalHost/PDF/fdfserv.php";
	PDFAcroObjectAddAction(Doc, Acro, PDFActionNewSubmitForm(Doc, Wrk, strlen(Wrk), 0), PDFAcroEventTypeActivate);

	Acro = PDFPageAppendPushButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(0.8 * PageWidth, 10, 0.9 * PageWidth - 10, 10 + 0.05 * PageHeight),
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, SetNoPDFColor, ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetCaption(Doc, Acro, "Export Data");
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding), PY(2), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroPushButtonSetMiter(Doc, Acro, 0.006 * PageHeight);
	Wrk = "";
	PDFAcroObjectAddAction(Doc, Acro, PDFActionNewSubmitForm(Doc, Wrk, strlen(Wrk), PDF_SUBMIT_FORM_FLAG_EXPORT_FORMAT),

	Acro = PDFPageAppendPushButton(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(0.7 * PageWidth, 10, 0.8 * PageWidth - 10, 10 + 0.05 * PageHeight),
	PDFAcroObjectSetBorder(Doc, Acro, SetNoPDFColor, ULRGBToColor(0.95, 1.0, 0.9), 2.0);
	PDFAcroObjectSetCaption(Doc, Acro, "Reset Form");
	PDFAcroObjectSetFont(Doc, Acro, PDFFontStandardAppend(Doc, stdfHelvetica, etWinAnsiEncoding), PY(2), ULRGBToColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	PDFAcroPushButtonSetMiter(Doc, Acro, 0.006 * PageHeight);
	PDFAcroObjectAddAction(Doc, Acro, PDFActionNewResetForm(Doc, false), PDFAcroEventTypeActivate);
	PDFPageAppendSignatureBox(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(80), OY(70), OX(80) + PY(14), OY(62)), "SGN");

	PBXClose(PaintBox, false); /* Free PaintBox of Page Content */

	/* Create new text annotations */
	Text = "Demo For Text Annotation";
	TextAnnot = PDFPageAppendAnnotationText(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(0), OY(10), OX(30), OY(0)), Text, strlen(Text), false, atnComment);
	PDFAnnotationSetTitle(TextAnnot, "Text", strlen("Text"));
	PDFAnnotationSetColor(TextAnnot, ULRGBToColor(1, 0, 0));

	/* Create new stamp annotations */
	Text = "Example Stamp Annotation";
	StampAnnot = PDFPageAppendAnnotationStamp(Doc, Page, GetPDFRect(OX(70), OY(90), OX(90), OY(70)), Text, strlen(Text), asnForComment);
	PDFAnnotationSetColor(StampAnnot, ULRGBToColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8));

	/* Save destination PDF file as "acroform-api-test.pdf" in current path */
	PDFDocSaveToFile(Doc, "C:/AcroFormAPITest.pdf");

	PDFFINALLY(PDFLibrary) /* Do further if haven't PDF Library Exceptions */
		if (Doc) PDFDocClose(Doc); /* Close PDF Document and free memory */
	ErrorCode = PDFLASTERROR(PDFLibrary); /* Check last error, if 0 then finished successfully */
	if (ErrorCode) {
		VSGetErrorStr(ErrorCode, ErrBuff);
		printf("Error: %s\n", ErrBuff);

	else {
	DonePDFLibrary(&PDFLibrary);/* Free PDF Library */
	PDFFINALLYEND(PDFLibrary); /* End of try...end block */
	return ErrorCode; /* Return Error Code as program result */
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tiff toolkit

VeryPDF TIFF Toolkit – Command Line, C#, VB, Convert, Compress, Split, Merge and edit multipage TIFF files

The VeryPDF Tiff Toolkit is a powerful set of development and utility tools designed for manipulating graphics files. It provides a wide range of features for graphics conversion and transformation, including the ability to change TIFF compressions, resolutions, image and canvas size, rotation, flip, multipage options, and more.

With VeryPDF Tiff Toolkit, you can split multi-page TIFF files into single page files, combine single page graphics files into a multipage TIFF file, add text annotations, Bates stamping, image merging, watermarks, margin cleanup, byte-parity, and many other functions.


This toolkit is an ideal tool for those who need to manipulate multi-page Tiff files. It is easy to use and highly versatile.

VeryPDF Tiff Toolkit is available in both DLL and command-line versions, making it suitable for developers and users with varying needs. It is compatible with all versions of Windows systems, ensuring widespread accessibility.

Highlights of VeryPDF Tiff Toolkit:
• Transform almost any raster file formats (TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG).
• Handle single-page and multi-page Tiff files, with support for opening and saving.
• Work with TIFF CCITT4, CCITT3, black and monochrome LZW formats.
• Automatically deskew images.
• Add text annotations, Bates stamping, at six predetermined positions or at x-y specified locations, with any font, color, and orientation.
• Apply watermarks of various styles to your images.
• Insert images at any location, size, transparency, and orientation.
• Resize images in Inches, centimeters, or pixels.
• Enable options for parity.
• Resize canvas and align the original image in eight different ways, with color options for the mat.
• Change resolutions with optional re-sampling.
• Modify the color depth of your images.
• Shift and move the image inside the canvas in any direction.
• Crop images to any size or aspect ratio.
• Clean up margins and white-wash any of the four borders (e.g., to remove scanning borders, punch holes).
• Redact parts of images with the default black color, or choose other colors, including white for hiding text.
• Highlight sections of images with customizable colors and transparency.
• Rotate images in any direction, including conditional rotation.
• Flip and mirror images horizontally or vertically.
• Invert colors of images to negative.
• Flood contiguous black border areas with white color in monochrome images (useful for black borders from scanning).
• Split and serialize multi-page Tiff files using separator characters and zero-fills.
• Merge and combine files into multi-page Tiff files.
• Enable an option to post errors to an error log.
• Use the highest quality dithering for your images.
• Support JPEG compressed Tiff as input, but not as output.
• Choose between DLL and command-line versions, with command-line returns exit code.
• Use all .NET code, without any third-party tools.
• Use a Strong Name version if you prefer.
• Keep the software's small footprint, which is less than 300k.
• Run the software on 32-bit and 64-bit processors.
• Enjoy a royalty-free license for your use of the software.

Multipage Tiff programming tool, DLL, command-line, executable, Visual Studio, C#, VB, Reformat, Convert, Append, Redaction.

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metafile to pdf, pdf to text converter, pdf to text ocr command line

Efficient and Accurate EMF to Text Conversion with VeryPDF Command Line Converter

dear sir,

how to get emf2txt.exe?

Thanks for your message, we suggest you may by following steps to convert EMF files to Text files,

1. Please download VeryPDF Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line software from this web page to try, you can use this software to convert from EMF files to PDF files first,

emf2pdf.exe D:\test.emf D:\out.pdf

2. Please download VeryPDF PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software from this web page, you can use this software to convert from PDF files to text files,

pdf2txtocr.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt
pdf2txtocr.exe -ocr C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt

We hope above two products will help you to convert from EMF files to PDF files.

Converting EMF (Enhanced Metafile) files to text files can be a useful task in various scenarios such as when you want to extract text from an image or diagram in an EMF file. While it is possible to perform this conversion manually, it can be a time-consuming and tedious process. Therefore, using automated tools can save time and effort. In this article, we will describe the steps to convert EMF files to text files using two VeryPDF products - Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line and PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line.

Step 1: Download and Install VeryPDF Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line

The first step in the conversion process is to download and install the VeryPDF Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line software. You can download this software from the following web page:

After downloading the software, install it on your system by following the instructions provided in the installation wizard.

Step 2: Convert EMF files to PDF files

Once you have installed the Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line software, you can use it to convert your EMF files to PDF files. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the command prompt window on your system.

2. Type the following command in the command prompt window:

emf2pdf.exe D:\test.emf D:\out.pdf

In this command, replace "D:\test.emf" with the path and filename of the EMF file that you want to convert, and replace "D:\out.pdf" with the path and filename where you want to save the PDF file.

3. Press Enter to execute the command. The Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line software will convert your EMF file to a PDF file and save it to the specified location.

Step 3: Download and Install VeryPDF PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line

The next step is to download and install the VeryPDF PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software. You can download this software from the following web page:

After downloading the software, install it on your system by following the instructions provided in the installation wizard.

Step 4: Convert PDF files to text files

Once you have installed the PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software, you can use it to convert your PDF files to text files. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the command prompt window on your system.

2. Type the following command in the command prompt window:

pdf2txtocr.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt

In this command, replace "C:\in.pdf" with the path and filename of the PDF file that you want to convert, and replace "C:\out.txt" with the path and filename where you want to save the text file.

Alternatively, if you want to perform OCR (optical character recognition) on the PDF file before converting it to a text file, you can use the following command:

pdf2txtocr.exe -ocr C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt

This command will perform OCR on the PDF file using the default OCR language and then convert it to a text file.

3. Press Enter to execute the command. The PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software will convert your PDF file to a text file and save it to the specified location.

Converting EMF files to text files can be a useful task in various scenarios. In this article, we have described the steps to convert EMF files to text files using two VeryPDF products - Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line and PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line. By following these steps, you can automate the conversion process and save time and effort. The Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line software allows you to convert EMF files to PDF files, which can then be converted to text files using the PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software. These tools provide an efficient way to convert EMF files to text files without manually extracting the text from the EMF file.

It's important to note that the accuracy of the conversion from PDF to text may vary depending on the quality of the source PDF file and the language being used. The OCR engine may not recognize certain characters or symbols, which can result in errors or omissions in the output text file. In addition, if the source PDF file contains images or diagrams, the OCR engine may not be able to recognize the text within those images or diagrams. Therefore, it's important to review the output text file carefully to ensure that all of the text has been accurately extracted.

In conclusion, using VeryPDF Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line and PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line software provides an efficient way to convert EMF files to text files. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can automate the conversion process and save time and effort. However, it's important to review the output text file carefully to ensure that all of the text has been accurately extracted.

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