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AutoCAD to PDF Converter user manual


    AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter allows you convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF directly without need of AutoCAD, it converts DWG and DXF files into vector PDF files, quick and easily.


Getting started

VeryPDF AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter program is very easy to use.
All you need to do is to choose the DWG and DXF documents you intend to convert and modify the program settings according to your preferences. After that you just need to click the "Make PDF" button.

You may leave the default settings. However, you may want to modify them to adjust some PDF parameters in order to make them more suitable for your design.

Registration Window: 

    The demo version of DWG2PDF converter is a fully functional product with all features required for testing available. After you are convinced that the program fits your needs, you are strongly encouraged to purchase and register your copy of the software by acquiring a personal unlock key, the demo version has watermark in the generated PDF file.

In your evaluate period, you may click "Try" button to try this software 

Main interface of the software: 

Add File(s): Add DWG and DXF files into file list
Setting: Set conversion options
Make PDF: Start to create PDF file(s)
Close: Exit VeryPDF AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter software
Register: Register the VeryPDF AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter software
View AutoCAD Document: Show the DWG and DXF Documents
Delete Selected Items: Delete the selected items from the file list
Delete All items: Remove all DWG and DXF files from file list

1.You may click File List Header to sort the file's order in the generated PDF file
2.Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer 

Options of setting interface: 

Combine AutoCAD files into one PDF file: Combine all files in file list into one PDF file.
Convert multiple AutoCAD files to multiple PDF files: Convert to PDF files for each AutoCAD file.
Convert multiple directories to multiple PDF files: Convert to PDF files for each directory.

Always ask for filename: Always require user input the PDF file name.
Save to original directories with corresponding filename: The PDF file be generated in the original directory.
Save to following directory or filename: Special the output filename or file path.

Page Size: Select a page size for PDF output.
Output Color: Specify a color option for PDF output.
PDF DPI Setting: Set the resolution for PDF output.
Page Orientation: Specify the page orientation for PDF output.
View after conversion: View PDF file as soon as it be created.

Set PDF information.

Command Line usage for AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter

C:\>"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD To PDF Converter v2.2\dwg2pdf.exe"
AutoCAD DWG and DXF to PDF Converter v2.2
Copyright (C) 2005 by Freefire studio
Resell by VeryPDF.com Inc
Web: http://www.verypdf.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Convert .DWG;*.DXF;*.DWT;*.DWF files to PDF files
Release Date: May 15 2005
Usage: dwg2pdf [options] <-i AutoCAD Files> [-o Output]
-i <AutoCAD Files> : specify input AutoCAD filename
-o <PDF Files>     : specify output PDF filename
-j <Subject>       : subject
-t <Title>         : title
-a <Author>        : author
-k <Keywords>      : keywords
-p <Output Flag>   : a flag for PDF output
   -p 0: overwrite if PDF file exists
   -p 1: insert before first page if PDF file exists
   -p 2: append to last page if PDF file exists
   -p 3: rename filename if PDF file exists
-w <Page Width>    : specify page width, unit is point
-h <Page Height>   : specify page height, unit is point
-b <Color type>    : specify color type for output file
   -b 1: output black and white PDF file
   -b 2: output gray PDF file
   -b 3: output 256 colors PDF file
-r <resolution>    : set resolution in generated file
-d <folder for SHX fonts> : set a folder for search SHX fonts
-V                 : view the generated PDF file automatically
-?                 : Help
dwg2pdf -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -i C:\input.dxf -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -i C:\*.dwg -o C:\*.pdf
dwg2pdf -i C:\*.dxf -o C:\*.pdf
dwg2pdf -p 2 -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -w 800 -h 600 -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -w 800 -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -b 1 -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -b 3 -a "Author" -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
dwg2pdf -d "C:\shx" -i C:\in.dwg -o C:\out.pdf
dwg2pdf -d "C:\shx" -i C:\*.dwg -o C:\*.pdf

How to buy VeryPDF AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter?

The AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter order page is:

Requirements to system

Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP and later systems.
64M or more memory. 


AutoCAD DWG and DXF to PDF Converter v2.2 is copyright by Freefire studio.
It is resell by VeryPDF.com Inc.
AutoCAD (DWG/DXF/DWT/DWF) formats read technology is copyright by Open Design Alliance.