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5.1       Glyphs painted in 50% gray 391
5.2       Glyph outlines treated as a stroked path 392
5.3       Graphics clipped by a glyph path 393
5.4       Glyph metrics 394
5.5       Metrics for horizontal and vertical writing modes 396
5.6       Character spacing in horizontal writing 399
5.7       Word spacing in horizontal writing 399
5.8       Horizontal scaling 400
5.9       Leading 400
5.10      Text rise 403
5.11      Operation of the TJ operator in horizontal writing 408
5.12      Output from Example 424
5.13      Characteristics represented in the Flags entry of a font descriptor 459
6.1       Various halftoning effects 494
6.2       Halftone cell with a nonzero angle 500
6.3       Angled halftone cell divided into two squares 501
6.4       Halftone cell and two squares tiled across device space 501
6.5       Tiling of device space in a type 16 halftone 503
6.6       Flatness tolerance 509
6.7       Rasterization without stroke adjustment 512
8.1       Presentation timing 601
8.2       Open annotation 604
8.3       Coordinate adjustment with the NoRotate flag 610
8.4       Free text annotation with callout 625
8.5       Leader lines 628
8.6       Lines with captions appearing as part of the line 629
8.7       Line with a caption appearing as part of the offset 629
8.8       Square and circle annotations 631
8.9       QuadPoints specification 634
8.10      FDF file structure 712
9.1       Default view of artwork 802
9.2       Annotation 2 rotated 803
9.3       Shared artwork (annotations 2 &3) modified 803
9.4       Rotation around the center of orbit 807
9.5       Perspective projection of 3D artwork onto the near plane 810
9.6       Objects projected onto the near clipping plane, as seen from the position of
          the camera 811
9.7       Positioning and scaling the near plane onto the annotation’s 3D view
          box 811
9.8       3D annotation positioned on the page 812
9.9       Rendering of the 3D artwork using View0 (no cross section) 824
9.10      Rendering of the 3D artwork using View1 (cross section perpendicular to the
          x axis) 825

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