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3.34     Entries in a number tree node dictionary 166
3.35     Entries common to all function dictionaries 168
3.36     Additional entries specific to a type 0 function dictionary 170
3.37     Additional entries specific to a type 2 function dictionary 173
3.38     Additional entries specific to a type 3 function dictionary 174
3.39     Operators in type 4 functions 176
3.40     Examples of file specifications 181
3.41     Entries in a file specification dictionary 182
3.42     Additional entries in an embedded file stream dictionary 185
3.43     Entries in an embedded file parameter dictionary 186
3.44     Entries in a Mac OS file information dictionary 186
3.45     Entries in a collection item dictionary 189
3.46     Entries in a collection subitem dictionary 189
4.1      Operator categories 196
4.2      Device-independent graphics state parameters 210
4.3      Device-dependent graphics state parameters 212
4.4      Line cap styles 216
4.5      Line join styles 216
4.6      Examples of line dash patterns 218
4.7      Graphics state operators 219
4.8      Entries in a graphics state parameter dictionary 220
4.9      Path construction operators 226
4.10     Path-painting operators 230
4.11     Clipping path operators 235
4.12     Color space families 237
4.13     Entries in a CalGray color space dictionary 246
4.14     Entries in a CalRGB color space dictionary 248
4.15     Entries in a Lab color space dictionary 251
4.16     Additional entries specific to an ICC profile stream dictionary 253
4.17     ICC specification versions supported by ICCBased color spaces 253
4.18     ICC profile types 254
4.19     Ranges for typical ICC color spaces 255
4.20     Rendering intents 261
4.21     Entries in a DeviceN color space attributes dictionary 272
4.22     Entries in a DeviceN process dictionary 274
4.23     Entries in a DeviceN mixing hints dictionary 274
4.24     Color operators 287
4.25     Additional entries specific to a type 1 pattern dictionary 292
4.26     Entries in a type 2 pattern dictionary 302
4.27     Shading operator 303
4.28     Entries common to all shading dictionaries 305
4.29     Additional entries specific to a type 1 shading dictionary 308
4.30     Additional entries specific to a type 2 shading dictionary 309

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