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8.16   Annotation flags 608
8.17   Entries in a border style dictionary 611
8.18   Entries in a border effect dictionary 612
8.19   Entries in an appearance dictionary 614
8.20   Annotation types 615
8.21   Additional entries specific to markup annotations 618
8.22   Annotation states 620
8.23   Additional entries specific to a text annotation 621
8.24   Additional entries specific to a link annotation 622
8.25   Additional entries specific to a free text annotation 624
8.26   Additional entries specific to a line annotation 626
8.27   Line ending styles 630
8.28   Additional entries specific to a square or circle annotation 631
8.29   Additional entries specific to a polygon or polyline annotation 632
8.30   Additional entries specific to text markup annotations 634
8.31   Additional entries specific to a caret annotation 635
8.32   Additional entries specific to a rubber stamp annotation 635
8.33   Additional entries specific to an ink annotation 636
8.34   Additional entries specific to a pop-up annotation 637
8.35   Additional entries specific to a file attachment annotation 638
8.36   Additional entries specific to a sound annotation 638
8.37   Additional entries specific to a movie annotation 639
8.38   Additional entries specific to a screen annotation 640
8.39   Additional entries specific to a widget annotation 641
8.40   Entries in an appearance characteristics dictionary 642
8.41   Additional entries specific to a watermark annotation 644
8.42   Entries in a fixed print dictionary 645
8.43   Entries common to all action dictionaries 648
8.44   Entries in an annotation’s additional-actions dictionary 649
8.45   Entries in a page object’s additional-actions dictionary 650
8.46   Entries in a form field’s additional-actions dictionary 651
8.47   Entries in the document catalog’s additional-actions dictionary 651
8.48   Action types 653
8.49   Additional entries specific to a go-to action 654
8.50   Additional entries specific to a remote go-to action 655
8.51   Additional entries specific to an embedded go-to action 656
8.52   Entries specific to a target dictionary 657
8.53   Additional entries specific to a launch action 660
8.54   Entries in a Windows launch parameter dictionary 660
8.55   Additional entries specific to a thread action 661
8.56   Additional entries specific to a URI action 662
8.57   Entry in a URI dictionary 663
8.58   Additional entries specific to a sound action 664

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