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      SECTION 1.2                                          Introduction to PDF 1.7 Features

1.2.2 Interactive Features

      Several additions to markup annotations make them more suitable for technical
      communication and review, or for use in a legal setting.

      Interactive Features That Aid Technical Communication

      Several additions to markup annotations aid technical communication and review:

      • The addition of dimension intents for polyline and polygon markup annota-
        tions. Dimension intent supports the association of user-provided dimension
        information with the line segments that compose polyline and polygon markup
        annotations. This feature is similar to the dimension intent introduced for line
        markup annotations in PDF 1.6.
      • The ability to specify units and scaling for the dimension intents of line,
        polyline, and polygon markup annotations. This feature enables users to mea-
        sure distances in the document, such as the width of an architectural diagram
        or the diameter of a 3D cross section.
      • The ability to place markup annotations on specific views of 3D artwork
      • The ability to lock the contents of an annotation

      Interactive Feature for Use in a Legal Setting

      One addition to markup annotations is intended for use in a legal setting, espe-
      cially banking. The addition of new viewer preference settings that specify print
      characteristics, such as paper selection and handling, page range, copies, and
      scaling. When a user prints a PDF document with those viewer preference set-
      tings, the print dialog is pre-populated as specified in those settings. This capabil-
      ity increases the predictability of how PDF documents are printed, which can
      make PDF documents more suitable for use in a legal setting.

1.2.3 Accessibility Related Features

      Additions to TaggedPDF identify the roles of more types of page content:
      • The ability to identify the roles of form fields in non-interactive PDF docu-
        ments. This change identifies button fields (pushbuttons, check boxes and ra-
        dio buttons) and text fields (populated or unpopulated).

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