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              SECTION 4.3                                                             Graphics State

PARAMETER              TYPE               VALUE

text state             (various)          A set of nine graphics state parameters that pertain only to the
                                          painting of text. These include parameters that select the font, scale
                                          the glyphs to an appropriate size, and accomplish other effects. The
                                          text state parameters are described in Section 5.2, “Text State
                                          Parameters and Operators.”

line width             number             The thickness, in user space units, of paths to be stroked (see “Line
                                          Width” on page 215). Initial value: 1.0.

line cap               integer            A code specifying the shape of the endpoints for any open path that
                                          is stroked (see “Line Cap Style” on page 216). Initial value: 0, for
                                          square butt caps.

line join              integer            A code specifying the shape of joints between connected segments
                                          of a stroked path (see “Line Join Style” on page 216). Initial value: 0,
                                          for mitered joins.

miter limit            number             The maximum length of mitered line joins for stroked paths (see
                                          “Miter Limit” on page 217). This parameter limits the length of
                                          “spikes” produced when line segments join at sharp angles. Initial
                                          value: 10.0, for a miter cutoff below approximately 11.5 degrees.

dash pattern           array and number   A description of the dash pattern to be used when paths are stroked
                                          (see “Line Dash Pattern” on page 217). Initial value: a solid line.

rendering intent       name               The rendering intent to be used when converting CIE-based colors
                                          to device colors (see “Rendering Intents” on page 260). Initial value:

stroke adjustment      boolean            (PDF 1.2) A flag specifying whether to compensate for possible ras-
                                          terization effects when stroking a path with a line width that is
                                          small relative to the pixel resolution of the output device (see Sec-
                                          tion 6.5.4, “Automatic Stroke Adjustment”). Note that this is consid-
                                          ered a device-independent parameter, even though the details of its
                                          effects are device-dependent. Initial value: false.

blend mode             name or array      (PDF 1.4) The current blend mode to be used in the transparent
                                          imaging model (see Sections 7.2.4, “Blend Mode,” and 7.5.2, “Speci-
                                          fying Blending Color Space and Blend Mode”). This parameter is
                                          implicitly reset to its initial value at the beginning of execution of a
                                          transparency group XObject (see Section 7.5.5, “Transparency
                                          Group XObjects”). Initial value: Normal.

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