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CHAPTER 4                                                                    Graphics

Example 4.12 shows a DeviceN color space consisting of three color components
named Orange, Green, and None. In this example, the DeviceN color space,
object 30, has an attributes dictionary whose Colorants entry is an indirect refer-
ence to object 45 (which might also be referenced by attributes dictionaries of
other DeviceN color spaces). tintTransform1, whose definition is not shown, maps
three color components (tints of the colorants Orange, Green, and None) to four
color components in the alternate color space, DeviceCMYK. tintTransform2 maps
a single color component (an orange tint) to four components in DeviceCMYK.
Likewise, tintTransform3 maps a green tint to DeviceCMYK, and tintTransform4
maps a tint of PANTONE 131 to DeviceCMYK.

Example 4.12

  30 0 obj                                          % Color space
     [ /DeviceN
           [ /Orange /Green /None ]
           << /Colorants 45 0 R >>

  45 0 obj                                          % Colorants dictionary
     << /Orange [ /Separation
         /Green [ /Separation
         /PANTONE#20131 [ /Separation

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