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           CHAPTER 4                                                                         Graphics

KEY             TYPE               VALUE

RBGroups        array              (Optional) An array consisting of one or more arrays, each of which repre-
                                   sents a collection of optional content groups whose states are intended to fol-
                                   low a radio button paradigm. That is, the state of at most one optional
                                   content group in each array should be ON at a time. If one group is turned
                                   ON, all others must be turned OFF. However, turning a group from ON to
                                   OFF does not force any other group to be turned ON.

                                   An empty array [] explicitly indicates that no such collections exist.
                                   In the default configuration dictionary, the default value is an empty array;
                                   in other configuration dictionaries, the default is the RBGroups value from
                                   the default configuration dictionary.

Locked          array              (Optional; PDF 1.6) An array of optional content groups that should be
                                   locked when this configuration is applied. The state of a locked group cannot
                                   be changed through the user interface of a viewer application. Producers can
                                   use this entry to prevent the visibility of content that depends on these
                                   groups from being changed by users.
                                   Default value: an empty array.
                                   Note: This entry does not prevent the states of optional content groups from be-
                                   ing changed by means other than the user interface, such as JavaScript or items
                                   in the AS entry of a configuration dictionary.

           Examples 4.37 and 4.38 illustrates the use of the Order entry to control the display
           of groups in a user interface.

           Example 4.37

             Given the following PDF objects:

                1 0 obj <</Type /OCG /Name (Skin)>> endobj           % Optional content groups
                2 0 obj <</Type /OCG /Name (Bones)>> endobj
                3 0 obj <</Type /OCG /Name (Bark)>> endobj
                4 0 obj <</Type /OCG /Name (Wood)>> endobj

                5 0 obj                                               % Configuration dictionary
                    << /Order [[(Frog Anatomy) 1 0 R 2 0 R] [(Tree Anatomy) 3 0 R 4 0 R] ] >>

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