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     SECTION 5.2                                           Text State Param eters and Operators

     the effect of expanding the distance between glyphs (see Figure 5.6), whereas for
     vertical writing, a negative value of Tc has this effect.

         Tc = 0 (default)
         Tc = 0.25
                            FIGURE 5.6 Character spacing in horizontal writing

5.2.2 Word Spacing

     Word spacing works the same way as character spacing but applies only to the
     space character, code 32. The word-spacing parameter, Tw, is added to the
     glyph’s horizontal or vertical displacement (depending on the writing mode). For
     horizontal writing, a positive value for Tw has the effect of increasing the spacing
     between words. For vertical writing, a positive value for Tw decreases the spacing
     between words (and a negative value increases it), since vertical coordinates in-
     crease from bottom to top. Figure 5.7 illustrates the effect of word spacing in
     horizontal writing.

         Tw = 0 (default)
                                    Word Space
         Tw = 2.5
                                    Word Space
                              FIGURE 5.7 Word spacing in horizontal writing

     Note: Word spacing is applied to every occurrence of the single-byte character code
     32 in a string when using a simple font or a composite font that defines code 32 as a
     single-byte code. It does not apply to occurrences of the byte value 32 in multiple-
     byte codes.

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