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    CHAPTER 5                                                                          Text

    If the parameter is true, all glyphs in the text object are treated together as a single
    elementary object; when glyphs overlap, later glyphs overwrite (“knock out”) ear-
    lier ones in the area of overlap. This behavior is equivalent to treating the entire
    text object as if it were a non-isolated knockout transparency group; see Section
    7.3.5, “Knockout Groups.” Transparency parameters are applied to the glyphs in-
    dividually rather than to the implicit transparency group as a whole:

    • Graphics state parameters, including transparency parameters, are inherited
      from the context in which the text object appears. They are not saved and re-
      stored, nor are the transparency parameters reset at the beginning of the trans-
      parency group (as they are when a transparency group XObject is explicitly
      invoked). Changes made to graphics state parameters within the text object
      persist beyond the end of the text object.
    • After the implicit transparency group for the text object has been completely
      evaluated, the group results are composited with the backdrop, using the
      Normal blend mode and alpha and soft mask values of 1.0.

5.3 Text Objects

    A PDF text object consists of operators that can show text strings, move the text
    position, and set text state and certain other parameters. In addition, three pa-
    rameters are defined only within a text object and do not persist from one text
    object to the next:

    • Tm , the text matrix
    • Tlm , the text line matrix
    • Trm , the text rendering matrix, which is actually just an intermediate result that
      combines the effects of text state parameters, the text matrix (Tm ), and the cur-
      rent transformation matrix

    A text object begins with the BT operator and ends with the ET operator, as shown
    below and described in Table 5.4.

            … Zero or more text operators or other allowed operators …

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