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            SECTION 5.6                                                         Composite Fonts

NAME                 DESCRIPTION

GBK2K−V              Vertical version of GBK2K−H

UniGB−UCS2−H         Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-GB1 character collection

UniGB−UCS2−V         Vertical version of UniGB−UCS2−H

UniGB−UTF16−H        Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-GB1 character collection; contains map-
                     pings for all characters in the GB18030-2000 character set

UniGB−UTF16−V        Vertical version of UniGB−UTF16−H

Chinese (Traditional)
B5pc−H               Mac OS, Big Five character set, Big Five encoding, Script Manager code 2

B5pc−V               Vertical version of B5pc−H

HKscs−B5−H           Hong Kong SCS, an extension to the Big Five character set and encoding

HKscs−B5−V           Vertical version of HKscs−B5−H

ETen−B5−H            Microsoft Code Page 950 (lfCharSet 0x88), Big Five character set with ETen extensions

ETen−B5−V            Vertical version of ETen−B5−H

ETenms−B5−H          Same as ETen−B5−H but replaces half-width Latin characters with proportional forms

ETenms−B5−V          Vertical version of ETenms−B5−H

CNS−EUC−H            CNS 11643-1992 character set, EUC-TW encoding

CNS−EUC−V            Vertical version of CNS−EUC−H

UniCNS−UCS2−H        Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-CNS1 character collection

UniCNS−UCS2−V        Vertical version of UniCNS−UCS2−H

UniCNS−UTF16−H       Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-CNS1 character collection; contains
                     mappings for all the characters in the HKSCS-2001 character set and contains both 2-
                     and 4-byte character codes

UniCNS−UTF16−V       Vertical version of UniCNS−UTF16−H

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