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       CHAPTER 8                                                               Interactive Features

KEY               TYPE           VALUE

V                 boolean        (Optional) The initial visibility of the field in the user interface. Default
                                 value: true.

E                 boolean        (Optional) A flag indicating whether the PDF viewer application should
                                 provide support for editing the field value. Default value: false.

       A collection sort dictionary identifies the fields that are used to sort items in the
       collection. The type of sorting depends on the type of data:
       • Text strings are ordered lexically from smaller to larger, if ascending order is
       • Numbers are ordered numerically from smaller to larger, if ascending order is
       • Dates are ordered from oldest to newest, if ascending order is specified.
       Table 8.9 describes the entries in a collection sort dictionary.

                           TABLE 8.9 Entries in a collection sort dictionary
KEY              TYPE          VALUE

Type             name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present,
                               must be CollectionSort for a collection sort dictionary.

S                name or       (Required) The name or names of fields that the PDF viewer application uses
                 array         to sort the items in the collection. If the value is a name, it identifies a field
                               described in the parent collection dictionary.
                               If the value is an array, each element of the array is a name that identifies a
                               field described in the parent collection dictionary. The array form is used to
                               allow additional fields to contribute to the sort, where each additional field
                               is used to break ties. More specifically, if multiple collection item dictionar-
                               ies have the same value for the first field named in the array, the values for
                               successive fields named in the array are used for sorting, until a unique or-
                               der is determined or until the named fields are exhausted.

A                boolean or    (Optional) Specifies whether the items in the collection are sorted in ascend-
                 array         ing order. If the array form is used, each element of the array is a boolean
                               value that specifies whether the entry at the same index in the S array is sort-
                               ed in ascending order.
                               Default value: true.

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