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SECTION 8.3                                                     Page-Level Navigation

2. The node specified by Next (if present) becomes the new current navigation

Similarly, if there is a request to navigate backward and there is a current naviga-
tion node, the following occurs:

1. The sequence of actions specified by PA (if present) is executed.
  Note: If PA specifies an action that navigates to another page, the actions de-
  scribed below for navigating to another page take place, and Prev should not be
2. The node specified by Prev (if present) becomes the new current navigation

When navigating between nodes, it is possible to specify transition effects. These
effects are similar to the page transitions specified in the previous section. How-
ever, they use a different mechanism; see “Transition Actions” on page 670.

Note: “Forward” and “backward” are determined by user actions, such as pressing
right or left arrow keys, not by the actual page that is the destination of an action.

If there is a request to navigate to another page (regardless of whether there is a
current node) and that page’s dictionary contains a PresSteps entry, the following

1. The navigation node represented by PresSteps becomes the current node.
2. If the navigation request was forward, or if the navigation request was for ran-
   dom access (such as by clicking on a link), the actions specified by NA are exe-
   cuted and the node specified by Next becomes the new current node, as
   described above.
   If the navigation request was backward, the actions specified by PA are execut-
   ed and the node specified by Prev becomes the new current node, as described
3. The viewer application makes the new page the current page and displays it.
   Any page transitions specified by the Trans entry of the page dictionary are

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