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          SECTION 8.4                                                                   Anno ta tions


4              NoZoom           (PDF 1.3) If set, do not scale the annotation’s appearance to match the magni-
                                fication of the page. The location of the annotation on the page (defined by
                                the upper-left corner of its annotation rectangle) remains fixed, regardless of
                                the page magnification. See below for further discussion.

5              NoRotate         (PDF 1.3) If set, do not rotate the annotation’s appearance to match the rota-
                                tion of the page. The upper-left corner of the annotation rectangle remains in
                                a fixed location on the page, regardless of the page rotation. See below for fur-
                                ther discussion.

6              NoView           (PDF 1.3) If set, do not display the annotation on the screen or allow it to
                                interact with the user. The annotation may be printed (depending on the
                                setting of the Print flag) but should be considered hidden for purposes of on-
                                screen display and user interaction.

7              ReadOnly         (PDF 1.3) If set, do not allow the annotation to interact with the user. The
                                annotation may be displayed or printed (depending on the settings of the
                                NoView and Print flags) but should not respond to mouse clicks or change its
                                appearance in response to mouse motions.
                                Note: This flag is ignored for widget annotations; its function is subsumed by the
                                ReadOnly flag of the associated form field (see Table 8.70 on page 676).

8              Locked           (PDF 1.4) If set, do not allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties (in-
                                cluding position and size) to be modified by the user. However, this flag does
                                not restrict changes to the annotation’s contents, such as the value of a form
                                field. (See implementation note 84 in Appendix H.)

9              ToggleNoView     (PDF 1.5) If set, invert the interpretation of the NoView flag for certain
                                events. A typical use is to have an annotation that appears only when a mouse
                                cursor is held over it; see implementation note 85 in Appendix H.

10             LockedContents   (PDF 1.7) If set, do not allow the contents of the annotation to be modified by
                                the user. This flag does not restrict deletion of the annotation or changes to
                                other annotation properties, such as position and size.

          If the NoZoom flag is set, the annotation always maintains the same fixed size on
          the screen and is unaffected by the magnification level at which the page itself is
          displayed. Similarly, if the NoRotate flag is set, the annotation retains its original
          orientation on the screen when the page is rotated (by changing the Rotate entry
          in the page object; see “Page Objects” on page 144).

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