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       SECTION 8.4                                                                   Anno ta tions

       PDF 1.2, some types of annotations may instead specify their border characteris-
       tics in a border style dictionary designated by the annotation’s BS entry. Such dic-
       tionaries are also used to specify the width and dash pattern for the lines drawn
       by line, square, circle, and ink annotations. Table 8.17 summarizes the contents of
       the border style dictionary. If neither the Border nor the BS entry is present, the
       border is drawn as a solid line with a width of 1 point.

                             TABLE 8.17 Entries in a border style dictionary
KEY    TYPE           VALUE

Type   name           (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                      Border for a border style dictionary.

W      number         (Optional) The border width in points. If this value is 0, no border is drawn. Default
                      value: 1.

S      name           (Optional) The border style:
                         S      (Solid) A solid rectangle surrounding the annotation.
                         D      (Dashed) A dashed rectangle surrounding the annotation. The dash pattern
                                is specified by the D entry (see below).
                         B      (Beveled) A simulated embossed rectangle that appears to be raised above the
                                surface of the page.
                         I      (Inset) A simulated engraved rectangle that appears to be recessed below the
                                surface of the page.
                         U      (Underline) A single line along the bottom of the annotation rectangle.
                      Other border styles may be defined in the future. Default value: S.

D      array          (Optional) A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing a
                      dashed border (border style D above). The dash array is specified in the same format
                      as in the line dash pattern parameter of the graphics state (see “Line Dash Pattern” on
                      page 217). The dash phase is not specified and is assumed to be 0. For example, a D
                      entry of [ 3 2 ] specifies a border drawn with 3-point dashes alternating with 2-point
                      gaps. Default value: [ 3 ].

       Beginning with PDF 1.5, some annotations (square, circle, and polygon) can have
       a BE entry, which is a border effect dictionary that specifies an effect to be applied
       to the border of the annotations. Beginning with PDF 1.6, the free text annotation
       can also have a BE entry. Table 8.18 describes the entries in a border effect dictio-

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