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          CHAPTER 8                                                            Interactive Features

          Line Annotations

          A line annotation (PDF 1.3) displays a single straight line on the page. When
          opened, it displays a pop-up window containing the text of the associated note.
          Table 8.26 shows the annotation dictionary entries specific to this type of anno-

                       TABLE 8.26 Additional entries specific to a line annotation
KEY           TYPE          VALUE

Subtype       name          (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes; must be Line
                            for a line annotation.

L             array         (Required) An array of four numbers, [ x1 y1 x2 y2 ], specifying the starting and
                            ending coordinates of the line in default user space.
                            Note: If the LL entry is present, this value represents the endpoints of the leader
                            lines rather than the endpoints of the line itself; see Figure 8.5.

BS            dictionary    (Optional) A border style dictionary (see Table 8.17 on page 611) specifying the
                            width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the line.
                            Note: The annotation dictionary’s AP entry, if present, takes precedence over the L
                            and BS entries; see Table 8.15 on page 606 and Section 8.4.4, “Appearance Streams.”

LE            array         (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of two names specifying the line ending styles to be
                            used in drawing the line. The first and second elements of the array specify the
                            line ending styles for the endpoints defined, respectively, by the first and second
                            pairs of coordinates, (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ), in the L array. Table 8.27 shows the
                            possible values. Default value: [ /None /None ].

IC            array         (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the
                            interior color with which to fill the annotation’s line endings (see Table 8.27). The
                            number of array elements determines the color space in which the color is de-
                               0    No color; transparent
                               1    DeviceGray
                               3    DeviceRGB
                               4    DeviceCMYK

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