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       SECTION 8.5                                                                          Actions

       Remote Go-To Actions

       A remote go-to action is similar to an ordinary go-to action but jumps to a desti-
       nation in another PDF file instead of the current file. Table 8.50 shows the action
       dictionary entries specific to this type of action.

       Note: Remote go-to actions cannot be used with embedded files; see “Embedded Go-
       To Actions” on page 655”.

                    TABLE 8.50 Additional entries specific to a remote go-to action
KEY         TYPE                 VALUE

S           name                 (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be GoToR
                                 for a remote go-to action.

F           file specification   (Required) The file in which the destination is located.

D           name,                (Required) The destination to jump to (see Section 8.2.1, “Destinations”). If
            byte string,         the value is an array defining an explicit destination (as described under
            or array             “Explicit Destinations” on page 582), its first element must be a page number
                                 within the remote document rather than an indirect reference to a page ob-
                                 ject in the current document. The first page is numbered 0.

NewWindow   boolean              (Optional; PDF 1.2) A flag specifying whether to open the destination docu-
                                 ment in a new window. If this flag is false, the destination document replaces
                                 the current document in the same window. If this entry is absent, the viewer
                                 application should behave in accordance with the current user preference.

       Embedded Go-To Actions

       An embedded go-to action (PDF 1.6) is similar to a remote go-to action but allows
       jumping to or from a PDF file that is embedded in another PDF file (see “Embed-
       ded File Streams” on page 184). Embedded files may be associated with file at-
       tachment annotations (see “File Attachment Annotations” on page 637) or with
       entries in the EmbeddedFiles name tree (see Section 3.6.3, “Name Dictionary”).
       Embedded files may in turn contain embedded files. Table 8.51 shows the action
       dictionary entries specific to embedded go-to actions.

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