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         SECTION 8.5                                                                             Actions

                          TABLE 8.62 Additional entries specific to named actions
KEY     TYPE           VALUE

S       name           (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be Named for a named

N       name           (Required) The name of the action to be performed (see Table 8.61).

         Set-OCG-State Actions

         A set-OCG-state action (PDF 1.5) sets the state of one or more optional content
         groups (see Section 4.10, “Optional Content”). Table 8.63 shows the action dictio-
         nary entries specific to this type of action.

                       TABLE 8.63 Additional entries specific to a set-OCG-state action
KEY            TYPE         VALUE

S              name         (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be SetOCGState
                            for a set-OCG-state action.

State          array        (Required) An array consisting of any number of sequences beginning with a name
                            object (ON, OFF, or Toggle) followed by one or more optional content group dictio-
                            naries. The array elements are processed from left to right; each name is applied to
                            the subsequent groups until the next name is encountered:
                            • ON sets the state of subsequent groups to ON
                            • OFF sets the state of subsequent groups to OFF
                            • Toggle reverses the state of subsequent groups.
PreserveRB     boolean      (Optional) If true, indicates that radio-button state relationships between optional
                            content groups (as specified by the RBGroups entry in the current configuration
                            dictionary; see Table 4.51 on page 376) should be preserved when the states in the
                            State array are applied. That is, if a group is set to ON (either by ON or Toggle) dur-
                            ing processing of the State array, any other groups belonging to the same radio-but-
                            ton group are turned OFF. If a group is set to OFF, there is no effect on other groups.
                            If PreserveRB is false, radio-button state relationships, if any, are ignored.
                            Default value: true.

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