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          SECTION 8.6                                                             Interactive Forms

KEY      TYPE             VALUE

TA       dictionary       (Required) The target annotation for which to set the view.

V        (various)        (Required) The view to use. It can be one of the following types:
                          • A 3D view dictionary (see Section 9.5.3, “3D Views”).
                          • An integer specifying an index into the VA array in the 3D stream (see Table
                          • A text string matching the IN entry in one of the views in the VA array (see Table
                          • A name that indicates the first (F), last (L), next (N), previous (P), or default (D)
                            entries in the VA array; see discussion below.

          The V entry selects the view to apply to the annotation specified by TA. This view
          may be one of the predefined views specified by the VA entry of the 3D stream
          (see Table 9.35) or a unique view specified here.

          If the predefined view is specified by the names N (next) or P (previous), it should
          be interpreted in the following way:

          • When the last view applied was specified by means of the VA array, N and P in-
            dicate the next and previous entries, respectively, in the VA array (wrapping
            around if necessary).
          • When the last view was not specified by means of VA, using N or P should result
            in reverting to the default view.

      8.6 Interactive Forms

          An interactive form (PDF 1.2)—sometimes referred to as an AcroForm—is a
          collection of fields for gathering information interactively from the user. A PDF
          document may contain any number of fields appearing on any combination of
          pages, all of which make up a single, global interactive form spanning the entire
          document. Arbitrary subsets of these fields can be imported or exported from the
          document; see Section 8.6.4, “Form Actions.”

          Note: Interactive forms should not be confused with form XObjects (see Section 4.9,
          “Form XObjects”). Despite the similarity of names, the two are different, unrelated
          types of objects.

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