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          CHAPTER 8                                                                 Interactive Features

KEY              TYPE                    VALUE

Fields           array                   (Optional) An array identifying which fields to reset or which to exclude
                                         from resetting, depending on the setting of the Include/Exclude flag in
                                         the Flags entry (see Table 8.88). Each element of the array is either an in-
                                         direct reference to a field dictionary or (PDF 1.3) a text string represent-
                                         ing the fully qualified name of a field. Elements of both kinds may be
                                         mixed in the same array.
                                         If this entry is omitted, the Include/Exclude flag is ignored; all fields in
                                         the document’s interactive form are reset.

Flags            integer                 (Optional; inheritable) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of
                                         the action (see Table 8.88). Default value: 0.

                                     TABLE 8.88 Flag for reset-form actions
BIT POSITION     NAME                    MEANING

1                Include/Exclude         If clear, the Fields array (see Table 8.87) specifies which fields to reset.
                                         (All descendants of the specified fields in the field hierarchy are reset as
                                         well.) If set, the Fields array indicates which fields to exclude from reset-
                                         ting; that is, all fields in the document’s interactive form are reset except
                                         those listed in the Fields array.

          Import-Data Actions

          An import-data action imports Forms Data Format (FDF) data into the docu-
          ment’s interactive form from a specified file (see Section 8.6.6, “Forms Data For-
          mat”). Table 8.89 shows the action dictionary entries specific to this type of action.

                         TABLE 8.89 Additional entries specific to an import-data action
KEY      TYPE                    VALUE

S        name                    (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be ImportData
                                 for an import-data action.

F        file specification      (Required) The FDF file from which to import the data. (See implementation
                                 notes 124 and 125 in Appendix H.)

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