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           SECTION 8.6                                                  Interactive Forms

KEY                 TYPE     VALUE

Pages               array    (Optional; PDF 1.3) An array of FDF page dictionaries (see “FDF
                             Pages” on page 720) describing new pages to be added to a PDF
                             target document. The Fields and Status entries may not be present
                             together with this entry.

Encoding            name     (Optional; PDF 1.3) The encoding to be used for any FDF field
                             value or option (V or Opt in the field dictionary; see Table 8.96 on
                             page 717) or field name that is a string and does not begin with the
                             Unicode prefix U+FEFF. (See implementation note 129 in Appendix
                             H.) Default value: PDFDocEncoding.

Annots              array    (Optional; PDF 1.3) An array of FDF annotation dictionaries (see
                             “FDF Annotation Dictionaries” on page 722). The array can include
                             annotations of any of the standard types listed in Table 8.20 on page
                             615 except Link, Movie, Widget, PrinterMark, Screen, and TrapNet.

Differences         stream   (Optional; PDF 1.4) A stream containing all the bytes in all incre-
                             mental updates made to the underlying PDF document since it was
                             opened (see Section 3.4.5, “Incremental Updates”). If a submit-
                             form action submitting the document to a remote server as FDF has
                             its IncludeAppendSaves flag set (see “Submit-Form Actions” on
                             page 703), the contents of this stream are included in the submis-
                             sion. This allows any digital signatures (see Section 8.7, “Digital
                             Signatures) to be transmitted to the server. An incremental update
                             is automatically performed just before the submission takes place,
                             in order to capture all changes made to the document. Note that the
                             submission always includes the full set of incremental updates back
                             to the time the document was first opened, even if some of them
                             may already have been included in intervening submissions.
                             Note: Although a Fields or Annots entry (or both) may be present
                             along with Differences, there is no guarantee that their contents will
                             be consistent with it. In particular, if Differences contains a digital sig-
                             nature, only the values of the form fields given in the Differences
                             stream can be considered trustworthy under that signature.

Target              string   (Optional; PDF 1.4) The name of a browser frame in which the un-
                             derlying PDF document is to be opened. This mimics the behavior
                             of the target attribute in HTML < href > tags.

EmbeddedFDFs        array    (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of file specifications (see Section 3.10,
                             “File Specifications”) representing other FDF files embedded with-
                             in this one (Section 3.10.3, “Embedded File Streams”).

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