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         SECTION 8.6                                                                      Interactive Forms

KEY                  TYPE                  VALUE

AfterPermsReady      text string or        (Optional; PDF 1.6) A text string or text stream containing a JavaScript
                     text stream           script to be executed after the FDF file is imported and the usage rights in
                                           the PDF document have been determined (see “UR” on page 733).
                                           Note: Verification of usage rights requires the entire file to be present, in
                                           which case this script defers execution until that requirement is met.

Doc                  array                 (Optional) An array defining additional JavaScript scripts to be added to
                                           those defined in the JavaScript entry of the document’s name dictionary
                                           (see Section 3.6.3, “Name Dictionary”). The array contains an even num-
                                           ber of elements, organized in pairs. The first element of each pair is a
                                           name and the second is a text string or text stream defining the script cor-
                                           responding to that name. Each of the defined scripts is added to those al-
                                           ready defined in the name dictionary and then executed before the script
                                           defined in the Before entry is executed. As described in “JavaScript Ac-
                                           tions” on page 709, these scripts are used to define JavaScript functions
                                           for use by other scripts in the document.

         FDF Fields

         Each field in an FDF file is described by an FDF field dictionary. Table 8.96 shows
         the contents of this type of dictionary. Most of the entries have the same form and
         meaning as the corresponding entries in a field dictionary (Table 8.69 on page
         675, Table 8.71 on page 678, Table 8.78 on page 692, and Table 8.80 on page 694)
         or a widget annotation dictionary (Table 8.15 on page 606 and Table 8.39 on page
         641). Unless otherwise indicated in the table, importing a field causes the values
         of the entries in the FDF field dictionary to replace those of the corresponding
         entries in the field with the same fully qualified name in the target document.
         (See implementation notes 130–135 in Appendix H.)

                                      TABLE 8.96 Entries in an FDF field dictionary
KEY      TYPE                VALUE

Kids     array               (Optional) An array containing the immediate children of this field.
                             Note: Unlike the children of fields in a PDF file, which must be specified as indirect object
                             references, those of an FDF field may be either direct or indirect objects.

T        text string         (Required) The partial field name (see “Field Names” on page 676).

V        (various)           (Optional) The field’s value, whose format varies depending on the field type; see the
                             descriptions of individual field types in Section 8.6.3 for further information.

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