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CHAPTER 8                                                           Interactive Features

Example 8.21

  1 0 obj               XFA entry in interactive form dictionary
      << /XFA 10 0 R >>

  10 0 obj
         <xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp="">
         <template xmlns="">
         ...remaining contents of template packet...
         <xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa="">
         ...contents of datasets packet...
         <config xmlns="">
         ...contents of config node of XFA Data Package...

When an XFA entry is present in an interactive form dictionary, the XFA resource
provides most of the information about the form; in particular, all form-related
events such as calculations and validations. The other entries in the interactive
form dictionary must be consistent with the information in the XFA resource.
When creating or modifying a PDF file with an XFA resource, applications
should follow these guidelines:

• PDF interactive form field objects must be present for each field specified in
  the XFA resource. The XFA field values must be consistent with the corre-
  sponding V entries of the PDF field objects.
• The XFA Scripting Object Model (SOM) specifies a naming convention that
  must be used to connect interactive form field names with field names in the
  XFA resource. Information about this model is available in the XFA Specifica-
  tion, version 2.2 (see the Bibliography).
• No A or AA entries (see Table 8.15) should be present in the annotation dictio-
  naries of fields that also have actions specified by the XFA resource. The behav-
  ior of a field whose actions are specified in both ways is undefined.

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