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      CHAPTER 8                                                       Interactive Features

8.7.2 Signature Interoperability

      It is intended that PDF consumer applications allow interoperability between sig-
      nature handlers; that is, a PDF file signed with a handler from one vendor must
      be able to be validated with a handler from a different vendor.

      The SubFilter entry in the signature dictionary specifies the encoding of the sig-
      nature value and key information, and the Filter entry specifies the preferred han-
      dler to use to validate the signature. Handlers specify the SubFilter encodings
      they support; therefore, handlers other than the preferred handler can be used to
      validate the signature if necessary or desired.

      There are several defined values for the SubFilter entry, all based on public-key
      cryptographic standards published by RSA Security and also as part of the stan-
      dards issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Public Key Infra-
      structure (PKIX) working group; see the Bibliography for references.

      PKCS#1 Signatures

      The PKCS#1 standard supports several public-key cryptographic algorithms and
      digest methods, including RSA encryption, DSA signatures, and SHA-1 and MD5
      digests (see the Bibliography for references). For signing PDF files using PKCS#1,
      the only recommended value of SubFilter is adbe.x509.rsa_sha1, which uses the
      RSA encryption algorithm and SHA-1 digest method. The certificate chain of the
      signer is stored in the Cert entry.

      PKCS#7 Signatures

      When PKCS#7 signatures are used, the value of Contents is a DER-encoded
      PKCS#7 binary data object containing the signature. SubFilter can take one of the
      following values:

      • adbe.pkcs7.detached: No data is encapsulated in the PKCS#7 signed-data field.
      • adbe.pkcs7.sha1: The SHA1 digest of the byte range is encapsulated in the
        PKCS#7 signed-data field with ContentInfo of type Data.

      The PKCS#7 object must conform to the PKCS#7 specification in Internet RFC
      2315, PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax, Version 1.5 (see the Bibliography).

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