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      SECTION 8.8                                                      Measurement Properties

KEY     TYPE        VALUE

X       array       (Required) A number format array for measurement of change along the x axis and,
                    if Y is not present, along the y axis as well. The first element in the array contains the
                    scale factor for converting from default user space units to the largest units in the
                    measuring coordinate system along that axis.
                    The directions of the x and y axes are in the measuring coordinate system and are
                    independent of the page rotation. These directions are determined by the BBox en-
                    try of the containing viewport (see Table 8.109).

Y       array       (Required when the x and y scales have different units or conversion factors) A num-
                    ber format array for measurement of change along the y axis. The first element in
                    the array contains the scale factor for converting from default user space units to the
                    largest units in the measuring coordinate system along the y axis.

D       array       (Required) A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction.
                    The first element in the array specifies the conversion to the largest distance unit
                    from units represented by the first element in X. The scale factors from X, Y (if
                    present) and CYX (if Y is present) are used to convert from default user space to the
                    appropriate units before applying the distance function.

A       array       (Required) A number format array for measurement of area. The first element in the
                    array specifies the conversion to the largest area unit from units represented by the
                    first element in X, squared. The scale factors from X, Y (if present) and CYX (if Y is
                    present) are used to convert from default user space to the appropriate units before
                    applying the area function.

T       array       (Optional) A number format array for measurement of angles. The first element in
                    the array specifies the conversion to the largest angle unit from degrees. The scale
                    factor from CYX (if present) is used to convert from default user space to the appro-
                    priate units before applying the angle function.

S       array       (Optional) A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line. The first
                    element in the array specifies the conversion to the largest slope unit from units rep-
                    resented by the first element in Y divided by the first element in X. The scale factors
                    from X, Y (if present) and CYX (if Y is present) are used to convert from default user
                    space to the appropriate units before applying the slope function.

O       array       (Optional) An array of two numbers specifying the origin of the measurement coor-
                    dinate system in default user space coordinates. The directions by which x and y in-
                    crease in value from this origin is determined by the viewport’s BBox entry (see
                    Table 8.109).
                    Default value: the first coordinate pair (lower-left corner) of the rectangle specified
                    by the viewport’s BBox entry.

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