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       SECTION 9.1                                                                   Multimedia

       Table 9.1 shows the entries common to all rendition dictionaries. The N entry in a
       rendition dictionary specifies a name that can be used to access the rendition ob-
       ject by means of name tree lookup (see Table 3.28 on page 150). JavaScript actions
       (see “JavaScript Actions” on page 709), for example, use this mechanism. Since
       the values referenced by name trees must be indirect objects, it is recommended
       that all rendition objects be indirect objects.

       Note: A rendition dictionary is not required to have a name tree entry. When it
       does, the viewer application should ensure that the name specified in the tree is kept
       the same as the value of the N entry (for example, if the user interface allows the
       name to be changed). It is recommended (but not required) that a document not
       contain multiple renditions with the same name.

       The MH and BE entries are dictionaries whose entries may be present in one or
       the other of them, as described in Section 9.1.1, “Viability”. For renditions, these
       dictionaries have a single entry C (see Table 9.2), whose value is a media criteria
       dictionary specifying a set of criteria that must be met for the rendition to be con-
       sidered viable (see Table 9.3).

       The media criteria dictionary behaves somewhat differently than other MH/BE
       entries, as they are described in Section 9.1.1. The criteria specified by all of its
       entries must be met regardless of whether they are in an MH or a BE dictionary.
       The only exception is that if an entry in a BE dictionary is unrecognized by the
       viewer application, it does not affect the viability of the object. If a media criteria
       dictionary is present in both MH and BE, the entries in both dictionaries are indi-
       vidually evaluated, with MH taking precedence (corresponding BE entries are ig-

                        TABLE 9.1 Entries common to all rendition dictionaries
KEY       TYPE          VALUE

Type      name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that dictionary describes; if present, must be
                        Rendition for a rendition object.

S         name          (Required) The type of rendition that this dictionary describes. May be MR for me-
                        dia rendition or SR for selector rendition. The rendition is considered non-viable if
                        the viewer application does not recognize the value of this entry.

N         text string   (Optional) A Unicode-encoded text string specifying the name of the rendition for
                        use in a user interface and for name tree lookup by JavaScript actions.

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