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         SECTION 9.1                                                                   Multimedia

KEY    TYPE              VALUE

UC     boolean           (Optional; meaningful only if T is true) If true, the floating window should include
                         user interface elements that allow a user to close a floating window.
                         Default value: true

R      integer           (Optional) Specifies whether the floating window may be resized by a user:
                            0            May not be resized
                            1            May be resized only if aspect ratio is preserved
                            2            May be resized without preserving aspect ratio
                         Default value: 0.

TT     array             (Optional; meaningful only if T is true) An array providing text to display on the
                         floating window’s title bar. See “Multi-language Text Arrays” on page 942. If this en-
                         try is not present, the viewer application may provide default text.

         Media Offset Dictionary

         A media offset dictionary (Table 9.20) specifies an offset into a media object. The
         S (subtype) entry indicates how the offset is specified: in terms of time (for exam-
         ple, “10 seconds”), frames (for example, “frame 20”) or markers (for example,
         “Chapter One”). Different media types support different types of offsets.

                      TABLE 9.20 Entries common to all media offset dictionaries
KEY    TYPE              VALUE

Type   name              (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                         MediaOffset for a media offset dictionary.

S      name              (Required) The subtype of media offset dictionary. Valid values are:
                            T            A media offset time dictionary (see Table 9.21)
                            F            A media offset frame dictionary (see Table 9.22)
                            M            A media offset marker dictionary (see Table 9.23)
                         The rendition is considered non-viable if the viewer application does not recognize
                         the value of this entry.

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