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         SECTION 9.1                                                                        Multimedia

                             TABLE 9.26 Entries in a media player info dictionary
KEY    TYPE                 VALUE

Type   name                 (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                            MediaPlayerInfo for a media player info dictionary.

PID    dictionary           (Required) A software identifier object (see “Software Identifier Dictionary,” below)
                            that specifies the player name, versions, and operating systems to which this media
                            player info object applies.

MH     dictionary           (Optional) A dictionary containing entries that must be honored for this object to
                            be considered viable
                            Note: Currently, there are no defined entries for this dictionary

BE     dictionary           (Optional) A dictionary containing entries that need only be honored in a “best ef-
                            fort” sense.
                            Note: Currently, there are no defined entries for this dictionary

         Software Identifier Dictionary

         A software identifier dictionary allows software to be identified by name, range of
         versions, and operating systems; its entries are listed in Table 9.27. A viewer ap-
         plication uses this information to determine whether a given media player can be
         used in a given situation. If the dictionary contains keys that are unrecognized by
         the viewer application, it is considered to be partially recognized. The viewer ap-
         plication may or may not decide to treat the software identifier as viable, depend-
         ing on the context in which it is used.

         The following procedure is used to determine whether a piece of software is con-
         sidered to match a software identifier object:

         Algorithm 9.2

              1.   The software name must match the name specified by the U entry (see “Software
                   URIs,” below).
              2.   The software version must be within the interval specified by the L, H, LI, and H1
                   entries (see “Version arrays,” below).
              3.   The machine’s operating system name must be an exact match for one present in
                   the OS array. If the array is not present or empty, a match is also considered to ex-

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