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SECTION 9.1                                                                     Multimedia

950). That is, to recover the original software name, software_name must be unes-
caped and then treated as a sequence of UTF-8 characters. The actual software
names must be compared in a case-sensitive fashion.

Software names are second-class names (see Appendix E). For example, the URI
for Acrobat is


Version arrays

The L, H, LI, and HI entries are used to specify a range of software versions. L and
H are version arrays containing zero or more non-negative integers representing
subversion numbers. The first integer is the major version numbers, and subse-
quent integers are increasingly minor. H must be greater than or equal to L, ac-
cording to the following rules for comparing version arrays:

Algorithm 9.3 Comparing version arrays

   1.   An empty version array is treated as infinity; that is, it is considered greater than
        any other version array except another empty array. Two empty arrays are equal.
   2.   When comparing arrays that contain different numbers of elements, the smaller
        array is implicitly padded with zero-valued integers to make the number of ele-
        ments equal. For example, when comparing [5 1 2 3 4] to [5], the latter is treated as
        [5 0 0 0 0].

   3.   The corresponding elements of the arrays are compared, starting with the first.
        When a difference is found, the array containing the larger element is considered
        to have the larger version number. If no differences are found, the versions are
  Note: If a version array contains negative numbers, it is considered non-viable, as
  is the enclosing software identifier.

Monitor Specifier

A monitor specifier is an integer that identifies a physical monitor attached to a
system. It can have one of the values in Table 9.28:

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