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      CHAPTER 9                                                    Multimedia Features

                  TABLE 9.34 Entries in a 3D activation dictionary
KEY     TYPE       VALUE

A       name       (Optional) A name specifying the circumstances under which the annotation
                   should be activated. Valid values are:
                      PO       The annotation should be activated as soon as the page containing
                               the annotation is opened.
                      PV       The annotation should be activated as soon as any part of the page
                               containing the annotation becomes visible.
                      XA       The annotation should remain inactive until explicitly activated by
                               a script or user action.
                   Note: At any one time, only a single page is considered open in a viewer applica-
                   tion, even though more than one page may be visible, depending on the page lay-
                   Default value: XA.
                   Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended that documents intended for
                   viewing in a web browser use explicit activation (XA). In non-interactive applica-
                   tions, such as printing systems or aggregating applications, PO and PV indicate
                   that the annotation should be activated when the page is printed or placed; XA in-
                   dicates that the annotation is never activated and the normal appearance should
                   always be used.

AIS     name       (Optional) A name specifying the state of the artwork instance upon activation
                   of the annotation. Valid values are:
                      I        The artwork is instantiated, but real-time script-driven animations
                               are disabled.
                      L        Real-time script-driven animations are enabled if present; if not,
                               the artwork is instantiated.
                   Default value: L.
                   Note: In non-interactive applications, the artwork is always instantiated and nev-
                   er live.

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