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            SECTION 9.5                                                                  3D Artwork

  9.5.2 3D Streams

            Beginning with PDF 1.6, the specification of 3D artwork is contained in a 3D
            stream. 3D stream dictionaries, whose entries are shown in Table 9.35, can pro-
            vide a set of predefined views of the artwork, as well as a default view. They can
            also provide scripts and resources for providing customized behaviors or presen-

                               TABLE 9.35 Entries in a 3D stream dictionary
KEY                TYPE          VALUE

Type               name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present,
                                 must be 3D for a 3D stream.

Subtype            name          (Required) A name specifying the format of the 3D data contained in the
                                 stream. Currently, the only valid value is U3D.

VA                 array         (Optional) An array of 3D view dictionaries, each of which specifies a named
                                 preset view of this 3D artwork (see Section 9.5.3, “3D Views”).

DV                 (various)     (Optional) An object that specifies the default (initial) view of the 3D art-
                                 work. It can be a 3D view dictionary (see Section 9.5.3, “3D Views”) or one of
                                 the following types:
                                 • An integer specifying an index into the VA array.
                                 • A text string matching the IN entry in one of the views in the VA array.
                                 • A name that indicates the first (F) or last (L) entries in the VA array.
                                 Default value: 0 (the first entry in the VA array) if VA is present; if VA is not
                                 present, the default view is specified within the 3D stream itself.

Resources          name tree     (Optional) A name tree that maps name strings to objects that can be used by
                                 applications or scripts to modify the default view of the 3D artwork.
                                 The names in this name tree must be text strings so that they can be accessible
                                 from JavaScript.

OnInstantiate      stream        (Optional) A JavaScript script that is executed when the 3D stream is instanti-

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