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       SECTION 9.5                                                                  3D Artwork

       3D Reference Dictionaries

       It is possible for more than one 3D annotation to be associated with the same 3D
       artwork. For example, several annotations might show different views of the same
       object. There are two ways in which this association can occur, as determined by
       the annotation’s 3DD entry (see Table 9.33):

       • If the 3DD entry specifies a 3D stream, the annotation has its own run-time in-
         stance of the 3D artwork. Any changes to the artwork are reflected only in this
         annotation. Other annotations that refer to the same stream have separate run-
         time instances.
       • If the 3DD entry specifies a 3D reference dictionary (whose entries are shown
         in Table 9.38), the annotation shares a run-time instance of the 3D artwork
         with all other annotations that specify the same reference dictionary. Any
         changes to the artwork are reflected in all such annotations.

                          TABLE 9.38 Entries in a 3D reference dictionary
KEY           TYPE             VALUE

Type          name             (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present,
                               must be 3DRef for a 3D reference dictionary.

3DD           stream           (Required) The 3D stream (see Section 9.5.2, “3D Streams”) containing the
                               specification of the 3D artwork.

       Example 9.1 and Figure 9.1 through Figure 9.3 show three annotations that use
       the same 3D artwork. Object 100 (Annotation 1) has its own run-time instance of
       the 3D stream (object 200); object 101(Annotation 2) and object 102 (Annotation
       3) share a run-time instance through the 3D reference dictionary (object 201).

       Example 9.2
          100 0 obj                % 3D annotation 1
             << /Type /Annot
                /Subtype /3D
                /3DD 200 0 R       % Reference to the 3D stream containing the 3D artwork

         101 0 obj                 % 3D annotation 2
            << /Type /Annot
               /Subtype /3D

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