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      CHAPTER 9                                                            Multimedia Features

KEY      TYPE             VALUE

RM       dictionary       (Optional; PDF 1.7) A render mode dictionary that specifies the render mode to
                          use when rendering 3D artwork with this view (see “3D Render Mode Dictio-
                          naries” on page 813”). If omitted, the render mode specified in the 3D artwork
                          is used.

LS       dictionary       (Optional; PDF 1.7) A lighting scheme dictionary that specifies the lighting
                          scheme to be used when rendering 3D artwork with this view (see “3D Lighting
                          Scheme Dictionaries” on page 817”). If omitted, the lighting scheme specified
                          in the 3D artwork is used.

SA       array            (Optional; PDF 1.7) An array that contains cross section dictionaries (see “3D
                          Cross Section Dictionaries” on page 819”). Each cross section dictionary pro-
                          vides parameters for applying a cross section to the 3D artwork when using this
                          view. An empty array signifies that no cross sections are displayed.

NA       array            (Optional; PDF 1.7) A node array consisting of 3D node dictionaries (see “3D
                          Node Dictionaries” on page 828”). Each node dictionary may contain entries
                          that change the node’s state, including its opacity and its position in world
                          space. This entry and the NR entry specify how the state of each node is
                          If a node dictionary is present more than once, only the last such dictionary
                          (using a depth-first traversal) is used.

NR       boolean          (Optional; PDF 1.7) Specifies whether nodes specified in the NA array are re-
                          turned to their original states (as specified in the 3D artwork) before applying
                          transformation matrices and opacity settings specified in the node dictionaries.
                          If true, the artwork’s 3D node parameters are restored to their original states
                          and then the dictionaries specified by the NA array are applied. If false, the dic-
                          tionaries specified by the NA array are applied to the current states of the nodes.
                          In addition to the parameters specified by a 3D node dictionary, this flag should
                          also apply to any runtime parameters used by a viewer application, as well as
                          any additional parameters specified in future PDF versions.
                          This value is ignored if the NA array is not present.
                          Default value: false

      For any view, the document author may provide 2D content specific to the view,
      to be drawn on top of the 3D artwork. The O entry specifies a form XObject that
      is overlaid on the rendered 3D artwork. The coordinate system of the form XOb-
      ject is defined to be the same as the (x, y, 0) plane in the camera coordinate sys-
      tem (see Section 9.5.4, “Coordinate Systems for 3D”).

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