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CHAPTER 9                                                                                Multimedia Features

far planes, respectively. A value of ANF for CS means that the near and far planes
are determined automatically based on the objects in the artwork.

The Subtype entry specifies the type of projection, which determines how objects
are projected onto the near plane and scaled. The possible values are O for ortho-
graphic projection and P for perspective projection.

For orthographic projection, objects are projected onto the near plane by simply
discarding their z value. They are scaled from units of the near plane’s coordinate
system to those of the annotation’s target coordinate system by the combined fac-
tors specified by the OS entry and the OB entry.

For perspective projection, a given coordinate (x, y, z) is projected onto the near
plane, defining a 2D coordinate (x1, y1) using the following formulas:
x 1 = x × --
y 1 = y × --

where n is the z coordinate of the near plane.

Scaling with perspective projection is more complicated than for orthographic
projection. The FOV entry specifies an angle that defines a cone centered along
the z axis in the camera coordinate system (see Figure 9.5). The cone intersects
with the near plane, forming a circular area on the near plane. Figure 9.6 shows
this circle and graphics from the position of the camera.

   Far Clipping Plane                    Near Clipping plane

                                                               Objects projected onto near clipping plane

                                                                           Z axis                Field of View angle

                                                               Circle defined by Field of View angle on near clipping plane

               FIGURE 9.5 Perspective projection of 3D artwork onto the near plane

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